question for those who have replaced rear springs/shocks themselves | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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question for those who have replaced rear springs/shocks themselves


Active Member
September 20, 2004
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Baltimore, MD
Year, Model & Trim Level
2002 XLS
I'm ready to do the job and have all the parts and manuals but I thought I recalled reading somewhere that you don't have to remove the knuckle to lower arm bolt/nut.

Could you summarize what needs to be disconnected? I know the top 3 nuts and then the lower bolt for the shock/ Also, I'm pretty sure the tie rod nut. Any more? And do you really need new nuts for the tie rod and other locations or is locktite good enough?


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I'm pretty sure you do, and the sway bar link, so you can push the lower arm down enough to get the shock/spring cartridge out. See if these help:


I think this can be done without spring compressors, but this procedure is not for everyone. The utmost care has to be taken.

-Jack vehicle under frame
-Place another jack under the control arm and raise it up just taking it up enough to get the spring neutral
-Unbolt the shock absorber-to-upper mount nut
-Remove the lower knucle bolt and swing away the knuckle.
-SLOWLY and CAREFULY Lower the jack letting the spring decompress.

This should work here.

Greeat exploded view!

Hey Cross6 - great exploded view - where did you get these? got the job done yesterday and did have to unbolt the tie rod and sway bar link. I have all the tools to do the job and it was not bad. My one right side spring came out in 3 pieces!

Key tools for the job:

1) spring compressor
2) impact wrench - helped get the top shock nut off
3) ratcheting box end wrenches - for the 3 top strut nuts.

1) move some of the plastic under body skirting out of the way after pulling out the plastic screw plugs.
2) lower and remove the spare tire for better access.

I did not use all new nuts as per ford, but used locktite.


I paid Sears automotive 25 dollars for each strut in labor. They cursed the day they took on that job. They said the rears were a PITA to get off the truck because the rear control arm was in the way. MAybe they were doing it the hard way...who knows.
