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Ranger / Explorer Prerunner Bumpers


August 29, 2004
City, State
Santa Maria, CA
Year, Model & Trim Level
2004 Ranger EDGE
Here is a picture of our new prerunner bumpers for the Ranger 4wd, EDGE 2wd, and Explorer trucks. This bolts onto factory mounts, and requires no cutting, welding, or drilling. We can ship these bumpers ANYWHERE. They are available with or without powdercoat. We can do a few different options with the top tubes, or none at all.



Aaron Dixon
Dixon Bros Racing

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Whats the price for one that is powdercoated black and shipped to NC??

Awesome bumper!!! How much with or w/out powdercoat?

so this will just bolt on to my 99 ex sport no probz at all? (just makin sure)

DBR if you wouldnt mind PM me about your steering setup, i got a few questions i'd like to run by tou b4 i order one. I basically need to know what problem you were trying to fix and how well ti is holding up compared to stock. I got a few steering issues and need to resolve them ASAP.

let us know some prices w/ and w/o powder coat. i am not too far away i could pick one up to save on shipping.

It's obvious this guy isn't around. I would take that as a sign of either poor customer service or doesn't want to donate to the Forum for his free advertising :rolleyes:. Look at his posts, he came in here quickly posting advertisments for his long travel suspensions, steering, and bumpers and hasn't been back since. He hasn't posted since 11/24 (12 posts at that). Just keep that in mind if you consider ordering from a company like that.

Yea if he paid attention to his thread he probably would have sold 3 or 4 by now. I would like one but I would like customer service too.

NOTAJP said:
It's obvious this guy isn't around. I would take that as a sign of either poor customer service or doesn't want to donate to the Forum for his free advertising :rolleyes:. Look at his posts, he came in here quickly posting advertisments for his long travel suspensions, steering, and bumpers and hasn't been back since. He hasn't posted since 11/24 (12 posts at that). Just keep that in mind if you consider ordering from a company like that.

well dude I'm sure he's busy making bumpers or working on long travel suspension design, or running a company for that matter and happened to overlook his email notifications. Some people don't even have time to come on the net everyday and surf the forums. I've heard that this company is pretty chill and makes some good **** so take it easy on the dude. :D

Josh S. said:
well dude I'm sure he's busy making bumpers or working on long travel suspension design, or running a company for that matter and happened to overlook his email notifications. Some people don't even have time to come on the net everyday and surf the forums. I've heard that this company is pretty chill and makes some good **** so take it easy on the dude. :D

Well said Josh ;) Give them a break, there a small company and I've met, talked to in person, and bounced e-mails back and forth with Aaron, He's a good guy. :thumbsup: Just be patient.

notajp said its obvious this guy isnt around... and notajp's word is like gold :rolleyes:

NOTAJP said:
It's obvious this guy isn't around. I would take that as a sign of either poor customer service or doesn't want to donate to the Forum for his free advertising :rolleyes:. Look at his posts, he came in here quickly posting advertisments for his long travel suspensions, steering, and bumpers and hasn't been back since. He hasn't posted since 11/24 (12 posts at that). Just keep that in mind if you consider ordering from a company like that.

Well I will admit that when I met him, He said that he had spoke with Rick (or e-mailed) and that Rick hit him up to advertise on the site. He turned it down. I also hit him up as a Test Explorer. At about 3k for the Kit I'd rather do a SAS, however I would have given it a shot at his kit. He did tell me he would offer me a very nice discount, but being married and try'n to get my wife through school, I'm not made of money :rolleyes: I was willing to be a driving Billboard for it. No Luck, but in a way I don't blame them much. If I was starting a company I would not go giving stuff away, however if I knew there could be a huge intrest as what my product could prove on a 4x4 site :rolleyes: I would think a little harder on what I could do to promote it on the site then just posts.

I'm sorry if I am black and white and straight to the point. It would be great if he proved me wrong. I'll be the first to admit when I am wrong.

It would be nice if there was a link to a website, company name, phone number, email, etc. I paid attention to his first few posts hoping to see a great company arrise that taylors to our interests. His products don't interest me because I already have a SAS and build my own bumpers but I'm still interested in the sport in general. I do encourage companies that taylor to Explorers to come here and build a business, heck I hope to do the same in the future. I only discussed the advertisement due to my interest of this board. Rick needs money to pay for the website that we get to enjoy so much.

Check out his sig, has his website, though it would be nicer if it was a link, or he posted a link to his website in his Post.....

Stic-o said:
He said that he had spoke with Rick (or e-mailed) and that Rick hit him up to advertise on the site. He turned it down.

But yet he still gets to advertise in the form of a thread... and he's not even Elite.

This thread would have gotten killed on virtually ever other forum I surf due to the fact the seller doesn't want to support the site in even the most basic of way of becoming Elite. :thumbdwn:

XplorerKid said:
Check out his sig, has his website, though it would be nicer if it was a link, or he posted a link to his website in his Post.....
Thanks for pointing that out. I didn't see it before. :confused:
Nice website, though they don't have anything on the bumpers. Hopefully they'll update it soon.

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taknitezX2 said:
he does come o here at times. he has been very helpful with answering my questions regarding different front suspension options. just a busy guy i guess

Does he help out under a different name? Cause all 12 of his posts are advertisements for his products.
