How to: - Receiver Hitch storage basket (Welding project) | Page 2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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How to: Receiver Hitch storage basket (Welding project)

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Broccoli1 said:
More support can never hurt but with Derocha's design he had already incorporated as much structual integrity as Hokie's because he ran angle iron/braces out from his center post where as Hokie did not and the braces that Hokie used allows him not to need the angel iron in the middle of his basket. As Hokie said " this thing is crazy strong" and I believe him, he followed the commercial ones he had seen and building your own sh*t is always rewarding.
and if Derocha's basket falls apart then he probably didn't let the weld dry long enough in that cold weather he's got up there :D

Yeah, i thought about putting a support in the middle of the grate, but its only a 17" gap between my L Brackets, and the expanded steel is really strong. When I up and down on it in the middle of the grate, the expanded steel barely bows. It would probably be a cold day in hell before the expanded steel gave away and allowed a strapped down load (I strap to the frame) to break free. I really only need it to carry a tupperware contain with kayaking gear or a cooler or a grille or fire wood or a dead deer every now and then anyways ;)

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RYF, the weld should not fail, the metal around the welded joint would break apart first. Welding electrodes are made of much better quality material than the base metal. As you mentioned the braces relieve stress at the joints and spread it around the entire basket but they do not prevent welds from failing. If you get a chance check out a place that installs trailer hitches to see if they have any mangled/overloaded hitches that they have removed from vehicles- it will be a mangled mess ut the welded joints will be still intact. :cool:

haha the snowblower looks kinda funny on there, like you're carrying around your Rascal wheelchair :D But seriously now, that looks real nice. Looks like it'll hold up well :thumbsup:

Mine got put through a nice little test too... I drove 500 miles from Charleston, SC to Charlottesville, VA like this

Worked great :thumbsup:

EDIT: Sigh, that was the last pic I took when she was still lifted... :( Friggin' gas prices... :fire:


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Nice packing job :thumbsup: I know you have it strapped down good but I'd be afraid to hit a bump and have the grill end up on some guy's hood behind me (I'm paranoid like that). I still have to check any D.O.T laws to see if I need to anything in regards to relectors or lighting...

Looks Great! Just wondering are you going to put sides on it? Seems with sides you could use it for so many other items. Of course one would have to be removable, or just 3 sided.

I have a large 48 qt RubberMaid Action packer that I can strap down if needed, but I have no plans to box in the basket. The receiver hitch basket is mainly going to get used hauling my push mower and snow blower around. I'm currently working on a Utility Trailer project to haul larger loads. so between the two options I should be good to go.

this is the one i threw together for my dad's envoy. They needed extra space for a 3 week camping trip out to CO. We built it so the rear hatch would still open with it installed.


And here it is "offroad"....he isn't an offroader by any means and that was his corporate car so ....And as most of you would gather it wouldn't be very good for offroading but he said it was quite on the highways and alot easier for loading/unloading than something on top (which was the other option he considered). He kept all the camp stuff in it. and used it as a makeshift table when they stopped for lunch and what not


I just wanted to ask those of you with that use these receiver baskets if they shake from side to side very much. It looks like they would on rough roads with them loaded.

Eventually, I would like to build one is why I am asking. ;)


Brian_B said:
I just wanted to ask those of you with that use these receiver baskets if they shake from side to side very much. It looks like they would on rough roads with them loaded.

Eventually, I would like to build one is why I am asking. ;)


That is a good question.. It was probably hard to see (because of my long post) but I addressed this at the bottom of post #1. Basically there are various devices on the market to tighten up the receiver conections and help minimize any unwanted movement.

I feel silly for asking now. I did not see that at all. Sorry, I thought I read the whole thread. I was thinking maybe you had used rachet straps from the corners back to each side of the hitch or something. Thank you.

i have a carrier for my dirtbike without the "slop tightener" so it rocks side to side somewhat. Its noticable, but its not too too bad. as long as your ****'s tied down good, which it should be, you probly don't have too much to worry about...although I wish my carrier had one of those ;)
