Recommend me Double Din Nav ready radio | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Recommend me Double Din Nav ready radio


Well-Known Member
June 16, 2009
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2000 mounty
hey guys,

i am in the market for a double din radio... i want it to for sure have navigation in it.

what else should i be looking for in it?
i have a 2000 mountaineer.

i want to spend around $200 or $250

Normally a decent double din will run you that much, I highly doubt you'll even find a nav unit for that cheap

Edit: Well I did find this one but the reviews are a hit and miss, some units seem to work fine, others don't. I've never liked pyle always associated it with PyleOS, no telling how often maps are updated if ever, that's about the only thing I could find in your price range

What's a good price for a Navy double din?

What's a good price for a Navy double din?

A Brand new Double Din Nav unit will run you around $400 if you want good quality.
You could always buy a used one for less. Just make sure that if you're buying a used one, they include everything or it's probably stolen.
