Removing Gas Tank "Shield" | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Removing Gas Tank "Shield"


Name is Ray
January 4, 2003
Reaction score
City, State
Valley Stream, Long Island
Year, Model & Trim Level
'97 XLT 4-dr SOHC
I am trying to remove the shield that covers the gas tank. Does this shield actually holding up the gas tank or is it possible to remove the shield and not have the gas tank hang down?


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Yes, the skid plate is separate. Some explorers do not have one.

the tank will not drop unless/until the center strap is unbolted. when the 2 front bolts are removed it will only come down and rest on the front mount bracket.

Thanks for the replies, fellas!

This must weigh quite a bit, from what I could see its made of a very thick metal. I'm thinking if some Explorers do not have it, I might not put it back and save weight in the process. Win win?

Mine doesn't have it.
IMO, if you drive off-road I would see the usefulness of that shield, but if you don't... than you can leave it out.

Mine doesn't have it.
IMO, if you drive off-road I would see the usefulness of that shield, but if you don't... than you can leave it out.

My thoughts exactly! Thanks man. :thumbsup:

Got it done this weekend. Damn thing weighs 26 lbs! :eek:


  • gast tank.jpg
    gast tank.jpg
    91 KB · Views: 231

unless you off-road (your truck doesn't look like it does) loose the shield and the 26 lbs.

unless you off-road (your truck doesn't look like it does) loose the shield and the 26 lbs.

Agreed. It sucks to know I have been carrying 26 lbs of dead weight for 17 years!

Well, somebody from Detroit pointed out that you can get a hole in your tank when some "people" steal your gas - they poke a hole and have a tub under to collect the gas.
That shield might deter that. Maybe...

^Not impossible but highly unlikely. I will take my chances. :)
