Rialto Off-Road Raceway March 5 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Rialto Off-Road Raceway March 5


Well-Known Member
May 28, 2002
Reaction score
City, State
Arroyo Grande, CA
Year, Model & Trim Level
92 4dr 4wd
I know it's not exactly Explorer related, but if it helps, the Mcneil Explorer usually shows....


Visit the link for info on the event on March 5. There will be lots of fast trucks & lots of great action. This event will feature wheel to wheel racing and time trial racing on a desert style 1.5 mile short course. 10 bucks gets you in for a days worth of entertainment. Bring your easy-ups, chairs, ice chests etc....You will not be disappointed!

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Anyone on the board going?

Many of us in the area will be at Truckhaven that wekend for the giant TDS run.

I do plan to go to the offroad swapmeet there later in the month, though.

I will be out there this weekend.
I will be filming out there.
And my friend should be doing the time trials in his red F150 marked #1492.
I will be in the co-driver seat for atleast a session or two filming from inside the truck.
We will most likely be hanging out at the Dirt Alliance/Blitzkrieg Booths.

Matt, look in the for sale forum for a thread called 'offroad swap meet'.

look for ROR March 5 post :) I am watching the video now :)
Helton rolled his Yota, ouch got a little cosmetic damage, there was some other carnage as well, nice.

Well I made a video from this event.
Its on my website in the videos section.
Heres a link to my site FallenEmpireRacing.com
Hope you guys like it.
