Rock Jock 60 and ladder bar - Pumpkin on the upgrade path... | Page 5 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Rock Jock 60 and ladder bar - Pumpkin on the upgrade path...

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So, When and Where is the shakedown run? Gonna head to Florence, or Maybe just take the back way to Crown King?


I'm so swamped right now I don't have any idea when I'll be able to test it out:banghead: Still working on it too. It's getting a new aircompressor for the ARB and for tire inflation. Needs a new u-joint in the front driveshaft. Checked it today and there is a load of slop in the joint at the transfercase end. Also going over a bunch of things, it's really in need of some attention. It's GOT to get out before it gets too hot, so I better hurry!

Mark, Char and I will be in Tucson Sat Apr 21. Making reservations at an RV park for Sat night. My cousin's birthday party is on Sunday. We don't have any plans for Saturday. Any suggestions??


I feel my first outing was a success. I went to SMORR and tested the new rear axle and ladder bars on rocks, and ledges. While I didn't climb everything I pointed it at, I never once experienced the hopping rear end that used to be all to common. Now the wheels will spin, with no hop which should be easier on the rear driveshaft's u-joints.

I definitely pushed it trying to make it up one ledge in particular. Picked up the wheels on the passenger side during one of the attempts. Had it not been wet I'm sure it would have crawled right up.

I'm looking forward to a new set of tires, and more opportunities to test out the ladder bar.:chug:

Ahh, almost forgot... There is one issue. The jam nut on the heim at the lower end of the shackle keeps loosening up after I twist the rear end up. Not sure that really makes any difference whether it's tight or not since it's not supporting anything.:dunno:

does it only happen you flexing it one way, like in the nut loosen direction ?
if so , it may a sign that something is binding, putting pressure on the heim, making the nut loosen,,
like a tight mounting location,,

Had it not been wet I'm sure it would have crawled right up.

Our Waterfalls actually have WATER on them. :D

No worries, I have seen $100k full blown buggies not make the climb you attempted. You could have had it too, if you stayed on it to the top. :thumbsup:

Tires makes all the diff in diff environments. The bigger the lugs, the better you hook up at Smorr. I seen bald ass street tires hook up in Moab. LOL!

does it only happen you flexing it one way, like in the nut loosen direction ?
if so , it may a sign that something is binding, putting pressure on the heim, making the nut loosen,,
like a tight mounting location,,

Yes, I may have to notch the shackle itself to clear the jam nut when it's fully flexed. The shackle is plenty beefy so a bit of a notch won't hurt anything.

Just ordered some new shoes for the Pumpkin. Went with the Pitbull Rockers 37x13.50-15 bias ply. Unfortunately they are out of stock and I won't be seeing them for a month or so.

I found the best price shipped from using the Pirate 4x4 discount.

Why the Pitbulls? I thought you loved the Iroks as I do?

Diff Whack Daddy said:
Why the Pitbulls? I thought you loved the Iroks as I do?

As usual just want to try something different. I've had two sets of irons and they've been great. I hope the new tires are as good or better.

I see you finally made the jump to 37's though:thumbsup: Can't wait to see them:JP:

I see you finally made the jump to 37's though:thumbsup: Can't wait to see them:JP:
No jump, they're the same height as the Iroks. You'll love 'em Rick, they work awesome around here.

I'm bummed:( It's been a month so I called 4ws to check on the tires. They called Pitbull and there is no estimated date for production and shipment at this time:banghead:

Looks like I might have to get the IROKs again, not that it's a bad thing, but I was looking forward to trying something new.

Hey Rick-




I'm stuck with the same old IROKs :( Nothing wrong with them, just wanted to try something different.

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