Roll Over Posse Board Member Nominations and Elections | Page 3 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Roll Over Posse Board Member Nominations and Elections

Hello all. As the member who this phrase was coined after, I believe we have enough members now to start making an actual board and sub-division of Serious Explorations. Therefore, I must lay down a few rules for the nominations and elections.

1. Anybody can be nominated that is a member of the roll over posse.

2. As a member though, consideration for election must be based on a few simple factors.
2a. Stupidity-Ie, getting hammered and trying to do doughnuts in a wash. Who was that?
2b. Ammount-Ie, number of times that any one person has had at least two wheels, of the same side of the vehicle, off the ground for more than, oh let's say 30 seconds.
2c. Dedication/Damage-Ie. The amount of damage sustained to the vehicle, but the dedication of the owner to fix it and continue on.

All roll over posse members are allowed to vsubmit nominations, but a short story briefly describing the incident must be accompanied so that when voting comes arround that members may have a basis to vote on.

Let's have fun with this, and remember, the longer you continue to offroad, it's not a matter of IF, but WHEN you too will become a member.

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ok, here's my story, the short version. I was leaving my house, made the turn to go up the road to pick my step brother up from work, in his 94 Mazda B2300, got up to 30 MPH and my friends up ahead of me stop short for some reason. I hit the brakes, non abs truck, no weight in the bed, and big ass leafs in the back, and the truck fishtailed to my left. I tried to countersteer, and ended up running the truck up an embankment on my road (old farm wagon trail, complete with whoop di doos, but paved over). well, the truck layed down softly on the driver's side, and spun 180 and was pointing back the direction I just came. As soon as it happened, I looked out my side window, and saw pavement, out the passenger side, saw tree tops, and out the windshield, well, everything was on it's side. I got out of that damn thing so fast, it wasn't funny. Final damage toll, fender, grill, side view mirror, cab corner, and bed. The truck is now running around with ranger doors, and bed, and slightly fixed cab corner:p It's worth a shot to be a member:D

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awww it was a nice clear night! kevin! kevin! KEVIN!!!! oh sh*t, ( my wifes going to KILL ME!!!)(ARE YOU GUYS OK IN THERE????????) hmmm the memories aka BAEXPLODER..................... passenger?? or just to much wieght???

Hey Diff!!!

Are you saying I need a story with my pic to get nominated???:)

March 11, 2001

My buddy and I were checkin out Pillar Falls, which is a falls on the Snake River, on a boring sunday afternoon. Instead of walking toward the edge I decide to drive close enough to see over. I was actually a good 12+ feet from the edge in my truck but when we decided to leave instead of reverseing the way I came in I saw a line across the desert I could take to get to the main road. Stuck her in 1st gear and went. As I was driving I kept looking at the river and all of a sudden.....slip...I'm sittin very tippy on 3 tires......then very slowly it went over. As you see it here. Roof of the X was roughly 3-4 feet from edge. Very nice. $5K of damage and its back on the road.


yeah, I'm not sure if I'd still be in the sport if that happened to me

Originally posted by Derrick C.
Hey Diff!!!

Are you saying I need a story with my pic to get nominated???:)

March 11, 2001

As you see it here. Roof of the X was roughly 3-4 feet from edge. Very nice. $5K of damage and its back on the road.

He gets MY vote! :) JEEZ!!!!!!
A little more and we'd had to send flowers!!!!

Jim tyhose of us observing, taxxman almost joined teh club today......

almost, but not wuite.

inhis own words, "if i am going down, i'd rather go down in the mud"

needless to say he eventually made it through that mess, even with only 2WD. now thats driving.


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Holy crap. Glad someone had a camera ready! Does he still not have that tcase crap installed?

no tcase, no driveshaft yet.

wow. Thats impressive but scary at the same time.

someone else got it from a better angle....


  • sethucam-04.jpg
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He actually had the manual tcase installed...but didnt test fit the front shaft til Fri night at my house and noticed it wouldn't work.

oh, ok i must not have looked close enough

i think the mud was holding him up..:D

I hereby nominate....myself!

Ok this is my first visit to this thread or to the WHOOPS!!
section of the board for that matter. Mine was more of a layover at Truckhaven on Thanksgiving last year. We were doing a night run going through some tight washes and ravines and misjudged my front drivers side tire placement, put me way off camber and over I went. Rick was kind enough to winch me back on all fours, resulting damage was damaged A-pillar on pass side, cracked windshield, crushed mirror and door on pass. side as well and serious dents to front of hood and pass side fender. Luckily I live less than an hour from T-haven and I was able to drive home...with every yahoo coming back from Galmis starring at
That was an expensive Thanksgiving! :mad:
I'm sure you've all seen the pic already but it's on the T-haven info thread for those who haven't seen it.

I got my truck back up and running about 4-5 months later and plan to do an exo-cage similar to RangerX's.
Oh yeah, i've been in a few tippy situations that RangerX can back me up on, like one occasion where I was teetering into a tree and stuck my hand out and pushed myself back (don't do that!). Reflex action, I think everyone is tempted to do it. Anyways, thats my story...all those in favor say aye.

Originally posted by GJarrett
What about slow learners? You know, that class of rare individual that just can't seem to get the hang of it and rolls it again :D
And again, LOL :D

Seems like a new Board Position is in order. Seargant at Arms.

I remember reading this thread about 3 months ago. I thought "I wonder when I am going to rollover?"

Well... about two weeks ago, on my way to my girlfriend's house, My truck decided it wanted to play in the mud and snow. The roads were clear but freezing rain and a slight snow had been falling for about 2 hours. I filled the gastank and proceeded to the highway. While accelerating to the speed of the traffic, My back tires got into some slushy accumilation at the end of the ramp. I was doing about 50 mph when the back end came around. I tried to correct and over corrected. I couldn't physically turn the steering wheel fast enough to gain control again and just held on for the ride.

I turned around about 190 to 200 degrees, slid through a hole across 3 lanes of traffic, and ended up on the passeger's side in the grassy median facing the wrong way. I saw head lights then grass through the windsheild, then everything stopped and I was just hanging in my seatbelt. The engine never even shut off. I turned off the lights and the engine, and got out with the aid of the people who saw the whole thing happen in front of them. Quite a show, so i heard! The best part is there is very little damge. Just compression dents and a ruined K&N air filter. The mirror didn't even break off. It just folded cleanly against the window, breaking my vent-visor. The mirror glass itself is cracked but it is still there and functional. The engine oil leaked into the air intake and airbox while it was on its side. But, thats it. 2 days later I was driving it around again.

So i guess this is my personal nomination into the posse. It was quite a ride!

Sheesh. . the things you've gotta do to get into a club these days. . . :D



1:15, 3.5MB (Right click, Save As) [requires DivX codec]

We were cruisin down the wash at Truckhaven for TDS 2004. I was near last and figured i'd pass some rigs up. I fly past the zuk (Brian Kennedys friend), and catch up to dave (DB1), see a place to pass and take it, only to find that it leads me down another wash. I couldn't remember whether the washes joined back or not, and not wanting to loose them, I find my way out, and then found a path back into the correct wash. In any rational state I would have taken the path back down in low and 1st, since you'd have to keep a tire on the wall to keep from going over. . .but i didn't take time to examine it, and continued pushing the go pedal since I could hear the zuk coming down the wash. . .you can see him pass a few frames before the camera & mirror hit the wall.

Any pics of the damage? Glad you are okay. Welcome to the club :)

Yeah this has got to be one of the toughest clubs to get into.:D

Welcome aboard!!!!

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That was one crazy weekend out there Jefe but glad you were ok and no major damage happened.

Someone needs to come up with a Rollover Posse logo and get some T-shirts made...of course for members only.:p
