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Ryan's F250/Explorer hybrid

I guess this is what happens when you take someone like me, add someone like Kevin (DWD), and throw in some beer!
Here's the plan. This weekend I'm looking at buying a '79 F250 longbed. It has a 300 straight 6, leaf sprung dana44 front, dana 60 rear. Basically, I'm going to put my Explorer body on the F250 frame.
First things first. I need to rebuild the 6banger, trans and axles. Then, I cut some of the frame out of the F250, bring the dana60 forward a bit. Fab up some body mounts, get creative with the engine compartment and steering linkage coming out of the Explorer firewall. Then I spend 200 or so manhours rewiring, fabbing fuel and brake lines. Then I slap on some new tires (38s?) with 8lug rims and bingo....I go 4wheelin'.
This project doesnt have a 100% green light yet. I have a lot of messurments to take on the F250. If I'm satisfied with my tape messure, then its a go.
This project will obviously take time. My inital calculations for money are around $5000, although thats surely going to climb 20-30% (much like building a house). That cost includes the cost of the vehicle, but does not include tires/rims.

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Yup, 37s. I lowered the front to the point that when its sitting level, there is 6inches between the stock bump stop and the top of the leaf pack. I had taken out 2 inch blocks and 1 inch of leaves. I don't know who the manufacturer is of the leaves though. As for the rear, the F250 came with 8 inch blocks.
The leaf center bolts were sheared in the rear. Last night I realized the 16 inch ubolts were loose, and when I went to tighten them, I sheared one off--talk about siezed! So, i proceeded to take the leafs off and I'm in the process of seperating the packs. I'm shrinking the rear blocks 2 inches, and I'm taking out the overload leaf (3/4inch thick). Looks like I wont be able to get it licensed this week like I had hoped.

Yeah, after looking at that picture from the rear, it is deffinate that iit needs to come down a little. I will be over early tomorrow morning and we'll get her on the road.

Cool. Looks like I might be able to try and get it licensed tomorrow after all.
Ordered my ring and pinion and my lockers today. Just after I paid off the tires and rims, I slam another 1900 on the ole' credit card. Thankfully, thats the last 'large' expenditure for a while.

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  • mvc-851s.jpg
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Look, the rear springs actually flex:confused:
After modification of course.


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The front springs actually flex a bit too.


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Can you say free advertising for NAPA:confused:


  • mvc-847s.jpg
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Just a good looking truck!


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Thanks Kevin.
As you might be able to see from the pictures, we shrunk the rear blocks 2 inches and removed the 3/4inch overload leaf. Kevin, here's the bad news: I have to tear it all apart and start over. No joke.
I drove it to work today, some of the techs looked it over, good thing too. I've got some serious axle wrap in the rear. I'm talking 1/2inch up or down. NOT good. So, i'm going to flip the rear shackle hanger, giving 4inches or so of lift, and remove the blocks completly. This should eleviate (sp?) the wrapping to a managable amount.
I tell you, with no shocks, it drives like a bus with air suspension!! I feel all the bumps in the road, but softly. And no, the mudflaps will not stay where they are. I'll re-do those after I finish the bumper, tire carrier and all.

Time for me to learn something new possiably. What do 17inch rims have to do with axle wrap?

Originally posted by arsoul
Time for me to learn something new possiably. What do 17inch rims have to do with axle wrap?
no i meant by you wouldnt have to lower it down if you could get some 38.5x16:eek: naw but it looks good. are those mudflaps for legality?

Yup, i wanted to drive to work in it and not get pulled over.

Hey man I love the rig. It is amazing to watch it take shape. Got a question though, what type of rock lights are those? I like that idea, but am not really sure how powerful of a light I would need.


The lights I used are tractor lights. I got them at Schucks for 12 bucks a piece. I used them because they are cheap and tough. Plastic lense and rubber housing. The 3 I have put out enough light to see whats going on, what I'm hung up on, whats broken (enough light to fix whats broken...). Its not a bright light, more of a yellow, but its enough. The main idea is that they are durable so they will last. The F250 frame is taller, so I was able to tuck the lights into the frame rail so they don't get crushed. Actually, you can't even see the 2 front lights unless they are turned on or you lay under the truck.

Well that sucks. I know blocks usually tend to cause axle wrap but that is a lot. Hopefully you can find the right u-bolts. At least it will minimize that bucking it has when down shifting and starting from a stop.


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ok ryan. your truck is bad ass....... where did you get the roof rack? I LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!
cmon tell me.... he he
