Sandblasting/ Repainting Brush Guard | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Sandblasting/ Repainting Brush Guard

Hey everyone, I hope this is the right forum to be posting this question on. I got a 99 Explorer sport a few months ago, and i really love it. It came with a Manik brush guard that is overall in great shape, except around the holes where you can mount additional lights and a few other spots, where there is some rust coming up. Do you think it is worthwhile to have this sandblasted and repainted at a body shop, or should I just get a new one? Does anyone have an idea how much this would cost, and if I got it painted after being blasted, would it actually adhere well and protect from future rust? Thanks for your help.

I sandblasted my Grizzly grill guard myself. I coated it with Por-15 an extremely durable coating that is many times stronger than paint... It has held up fine and looks great...
