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Seat Belt Sound


New Member
March 18, 2007
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City, State
Dearborn Heights, MI
Year, Model & Trim Level
'02 XLT
Is there a way to turn off the sound that occurs when your seat belt is not on and/or the sounds that occur when you first start the vehcile (several LOUD dings)?
Any help would be appreciated!

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Welcome aboard. Check your Owners Guide for deactivating the belt minder. It's on page 159 in my guide. I turned mine off a while ago.

I have a ? , why drive with out seat belts ?

I have a ? , why drive with out seat belts ?

Ya ever been in line at a drive through and unhooked the belt to get your wallet out and ding ding ding. Ever moved your truck from one parking place to another in a lot and ding ding ding? That's why.

Ya ever been in line at a drive through and unhooked the belt to get your wallet out and ding ding ding. Ever moved your truck from one parking place to another in a lot and ding ding ding? That's why.

X2...that's why I deactivated mine. I always wear my belt and I insist that every passenger wears a belt also! But I don't like being nagged by my truck! LOL

I found it in my manual and dissabled mine today. Turn ignition to run(not start) and wait until the seat belt light goes out(with your seatbelt unbuckled).

Then buckle and unbuckle your seat belt 9 times within 50 sec ending in the seatbelt in the unbuckled position.

Your airbag light will now come on. Within 20 sec buckle and unbuckle your seatbelt once. your airbag light will flash for 3-4seconds rapidly.

Your done. Repeat steps to re-enable it.

Looks like it still dings when you first turn the truck on and then dings once again. So basically start up ding and one warning ding then it goes silent. Not sure why they call it dissabling seatbelt chime.

Looks like it still dings when you first turn the truck on and then dings once again. So basically start up ding and one warning ding then it goes silent. Not sure why they call it dissabling seatbelt chime.

Mine doesn't ding at all...the light just stays on for maybe 1-2 minutes then goes out. No chimes...

I found it in my manual and dissabled mine today. Turn ignition to run(not start) and wait until the seat belt light goes out(with your seatbelt unbuckled).

Then buckle and unbuckle your seat belt 9 times within 50 sec ending in the seatbelt in the unbuckled position.

Your airbag light will now come on. Within 20 sec buckle and unbuckle your seatbelt once. your airbag light will flash for 3-4seconds rapidly.

Your done. Repeat steps to re-enable it.

This just didnt work for me.
Has anyone else in an 04 XLT been able to disable their Belt Minder?
Am I confused in the buckle/unbuckle process for 9 times. buckle and unbuckle counts as one right? thats 18 clicks right?
Ill have to try again later.

Went through the manual of my 04 and instructions say ....

ignition off
doors closed
headlights off

buckle and unbuckle 3 times ending unbuckled
turn on headlights
turn off headlights
buckle and unbuckle 3 times ending unbuckled
seatbelt light will light for 3 seconds and go off
within 7 seconds buckle and unbuckle seatbelt once more
seatbelt light will flash
