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Section525's Hydro Assist

Word to my homiez.

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word to my homies
not to be disrespectful but the following is like an AK to all ya'll dummys.
stepin up on stage thinking you've got it all figured out
even thought about what to do when the rhymes start dryin out
but the next think you know your stumblin about, cryin your eyes out
So before I make you look like a clown, please do us all a favor and just sit your [censor]butt[/censor] down

Crap - gotta go to the steel shop - cya!

Me too. I am just going to lay some steel out in the driveway and let the sun melt them together.


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That there -- thats quite hot! You live in the hell.

EDIT: Your neighborhood as of noon today:

wow... so thanks for giving me nightmares iz...
Awww the glistening little baby boy is scared :p:.

But seriously, dont you guys/gals enjoy hijacking Section's threads? :D Cauz I do. Its like going over his house, using his tools, and not returning them.

I ask again, is it wise to mount the ram on the u-bolt plate? Dosent seem like a good idea to me.

We can find out together.


I guess i left Cali just in time :D high 80's in Denver and nice!

Okay IZ.. how crazy am I going to have to get on this other side mount? :)

If I just welded the tabs on much like the tie-rod side, would it be good for at least a while? It's going to eventually be changed anyways once I go back to torsion bars.


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I think you're good to go with that mount baby -- just tack weld the mount to the plate that bolts to the leaf pack (blind tack it, no room for a helmet under there, just close them eyes or turn away), unbolt the plate and finish the welds .. dont forget to put enough washers to prevent the tabs from squeezing together during final welding ;).

Go back to torsion bars? I'm sorry whaaat?

(just blind tack it, no room for a helmet under there, just close them eyes or turn away)

I get in biig trouble for doing that from the wife. :thumbdwn: I'm Anglo Saxon and burn easy. :)

Go back to torsion bars? I'm sorry whaaat?

Front and rear. It's something that has never been done before.

I ask again, is it wise to mount the ram on the u-bolt plate? Dosent seem like a good idea to me.

It will be fine. I have had mine mounted that way for 2 years now with no issues pushing 38s. Just check the u-bolt torque before every or every other trip out with it.

Hey newbasaur525 -- your PM box is full.

But anyways -- I'm having a hard time finding a JIC6-JIC6 45* or 90* bulkhead fitting. Can you please check if that shop you know has them and if so how much for four?


EDIT: like this:


They only had two steels in stock. So she's getting me a price on those and aluminum. I'll go back in a few and see how much and how soon I could get them. Which do you prefer?

They only had two steels in stock. So she's getting me a price on those and aluminum. I'll go back in a few and see how much and how soon I could get them. Which do you prefer?
Hhhwwow thanks.. I prefer steel cauz I'm afraid my Senator muscles are just going to rip through those aluminum threads :D

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I'm thinking about using another V8 tranny cooler and a PS cooler. Good idea? Bad? What about another reservoir?
