Shift indicator light? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Shift indicator light?


October 7, 2012
Reaction score
City, State
Sudbury, Ontario
Year, Model & Trim Level
2007 ST 4l Limited
Hi everyone,
Does anyone know if there is a light where it indicates which gear you are in?
I don't have any light and when it's dark, you can't see which gear you're in.
I'm not a new driver and i can physically tell, but it's kind of irate if Ford didn't put a light there so you could visually tell.
If there is supposed to be a light there, would someone be kind enough to post a simple how to, so that i might be able to...see the

Thanks In Advance

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Yeah, the part next to the shifter that shows the gears is supposed to light up when the lights are on. It lights up with a greenish tint just like the dash.

Any chance you have the interior light turned off? The dial near the headlight switch. Not sure but that might affect the lighting on the lower gauges.
Mine is lighted. You may have a burnt bulb.

I have an '07 limited and at about 40k miles it started to go out. It's almost like a wire is loose because sometimes when I wiggle it left to right it will momentarily come back on. it is pretty hard to get it to come on now a days.

I tried the dial thing to see if it effected the interior/ dash lights, but it had no effect on the gear indicator. Anyone know how I would go about changing the bulb? And what bulb it would be? Can't seem to find it anywhere on the net.

pop off the chrome ring around the shifter. take the 2 bolts out of the cosole storage, pop off the cover and I think you have access to the light. Oh yeah, take it out of park first, it gives you a bit more room to work.

Thanks... going to try removing after work. Any idea if it's a common bulbs (local Parts Store) or a Dealer only item?
