Slashed tires - can they be repaired | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Slashed tires - can they be repaired


Truck Season!!
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Elite Explorer
August 3, 2000
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B2 "Slightly" Modified
Okay last night somebody slashed two of my tires. Nice flat knife hole in the sidewall's. I know who did it but thats another story (GF's x boyfriend).

My question is I know tire shops will not repair a slashed sidewall, am I stuck buying new tires or can tehy be safely patched up?


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They cannot be safely patched. There are cords that have been cut, so the tire will never be as strong. You are inviting a disaster if you try to repair and use them.

Tire repair shops will not repair sidewalls. On the trail is another story. You can use a mess of tire plugs to seal the gash, but only to get you off the trail.

A similar situation happened to me last winter. Someone slashed one of my tires in the sidewall with a knife. They cannot be repaired, it's not worth the risk to try to repair it. Just collect your loses and get new tires. If you are sure of who did it, try to persue it more perhaps with the police (doubtful that they'll do anything).

OKay thanks. I filed a police report as soon as we knew it happened. They cannot do a damn thing for me, even though I saw him leaving the parking lot in his car. At least it is on record which may help us get the restraining order on this jackass.....

Two new tires = $240 mounted and balanced. This is terriffic! These are my 31" Courser LT's that are less then 6 months old........Man that sucks......

oh well cut my loses, file a police report, and sleep with one eye we have to go file a restraining order against this guy, I have to make up the hours I am missing today at work, man it takes everything I have got to keep from going ballistic on this fool, of course me ending up in jail for beating him sensless is obviously not the mature solution, so I will rely on carma to get him 10 fold, at least for now.........

That sucks you must have really pissed this guy off:( At least he did not key it up too:(

well be careful he might come back and do it again, if i were you and this jackass is still roaming about i'd go get some cheap used tires to drive around on and keep the nice new ones for trail use or whatever

Actually I didnt do a thing to the guy, he is mad because his girlfriend broke up with him months ago, she let him stay in her house until he found a place to go, and she and I started dating. So apparently he hates me too now, which is fine with me because now he's outta there earlier, locks changed, restraining order, etc....oh and he wrecked his uninsured Subaru WRX last week, then his hood flew up on it yesterday and smashed the windshield, so what goes around comes around......I believe in carma so there is no need for revenge. Also youknow this shi* happens no matter what, so we suck it up and move on.......two tires, big deal, he coulda got all four. PLus now the cops know about it and he wouldnt dare come near my baby again, not with her parked so close to my window........

That happened to my truck about 3 yrs or so ago. Had to buy two new tires for the truck. Really sucks that people can't leave sh*t that isn't theirs alone.

Do you have comprehensive coverage on your truck? If you did, you could put in a claim for the slashed tires. Just a thought.
