Tomorrow could be D-day, good bye to an old friend | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Tomorrow could be D-day, good bye to an old friend


Well-Known Member
July 16, 2001
Reaction score
City, State
AB, Canada
Year, Model & Trim Level
99 Explorer Sport
Hey guys, thanks for all the replies to the thread i had concerning the mileage of your explorers. i can see if the deal goes through for the explorer I'm looking at this web page will be agreat assest to me.

i had this in a reply to my original thread but not al may see it so plase take a look..

K guys heres the latest scoop,

the dealer has: replaced the windshield, install a block heater if she dont have one (you need em in northern alberta), and fix/replace the exhaust. PLUS a years unlimited mileage powertrain warranty covering also all seals and gaskets. also new tires at all four corners.

i'm a return customer to this lot, (bought my 96 Trans Am form them) and they know how meticulous I am with vehicles. He's making sure that everything is going to be smooth by the numbers and that I'm happy.

thanks for all your input fellas. its not a sealed deal yet, but it looks very attractive.


Buy it!!!

Fix it yourself. Its more fun that way! hehehe
Seriously though I hope you get it and hope to see ya on the site asking questions.

WEEEEEEeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! Another Albertan! Way up north though.... :(

So do you plan to modify your soon to be new truck or are you gonna leave it stock? If you plan to put some mods on it then we will walk you right thru them and you will be a big dawg soon enough Dead Link Removed
