trailers lets see them!!!! | Page 6 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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trailers lets see them!!!!

i do a ton of camping, 4-5 trips a year. I am so sick and tired of putting up and taking down the tent that i am going to build a teardrop trailer. What do you guys think? I will probably need a trailer with at least a 1,500lbs capacity to start.

These photos are not mine, but this build up will give you the basic idea
The Truck with a Heart

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Recently picked up this. Needs some work, but it was free.

New roof and axles, then paint.

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Check for rust around where the nose of the trailer meets the the frame. Horse Trailers love to rust there, and then the whole front is all wobbly.

Is that just a 2 with a big dressing room? or a 3/slant?

And don't forget to check the support steel under the floor (horses + trailer+pee&poop= rust) Don't want our babies fallin thru the floor!

That reminds me of a story about a pig!

Waiting for Summer

I can't wait for summer time. :D
Not my truck towing our rig in this picture, its a bit much for my X with the v6.
So for the long hauls we sacrifice Chevy's.



You so need to park that out infront of your house for a few days :D

I already did. It was great........."ahhhhh are you going to leave that there?":D;) My neighbors crack me up.
Check for rust around where the nose of the trailer meets the the frame. Horse Trailers love to rust there, and then the whole front is all wobbly.

Is that just a 2 with a big dressing room? or a 3/slant?

Two horse with a big dressing room. It hauled my friend's draft horses around for years.
And don't forget to check the support steel under the floor (horses + trailer+pee&poop= rust) Don't want our babies fallin thru the floor!

That reminds me of a story about a pig!

All the steel structure is sound. The only rust on that 30 year old trailer is the roof seams, the sides of the manger, and a small corner at the right rear. The floor is still good because the cowboy's I got it from used to put 1/2" plywood over the top of the hard wood to keep the pee off of it.
It used to look like this, but a little taller (they still make the same trailer)

I am going to turn it into a stock trailer with a tack room. Horses get too hot in an enclosed trailer in this part of the country. That way, I won't have to worry about replacing any side windows, just the tack room windows and vent.


My buddy and I sawzalled my parts XJ apart. 3" square tubing down the framerails will make the tongue.


Keeping the gas tank and pump for fuel transfer for the tow rig, ATVs, other rigs or our totegote minibikes. In the front of the trailer he will close off the front, and water tanks in the front. Battery and a propane tank on the tongue, and camping supplies, tools and spare parts fill up the rest. I'll post finished pics.

I know this is an old thread, but it was a nice, warm and dry (for a change) day today. I thought I would take some pictures after washing everything.

If anyone is wondering, the boat is a Laser sailboat, and yes, it is upside down on the trailer.


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I just noticed I never posted a pic of our car hauler.. This is what we use to pull the X to the trails with... in all its redneck glory..



who says old means dead, keep them comming pictures pictures pictures!!!:D

I'll help out here... Here is a update on mine, little paint and some decals;)


Thank you! ! !

i just wanted to post a THANK YOU to those of you who posted about trailer wiring... with the information i found in here i FINALLY got my trailer lights to work. GRANTED, i had to re-wire the plug, as the wiring connector i bought for the trailer (round plug under left tail light to 4 plug flat) because it was incorrect. here are some pics of my rather UNIQUE setup... the trailer is a 1942 "trailcar" 1 wheel trailer. check em out.









A buddy of my dad's gave him a 22' Sea Doo Bombardier with trailer in exchange for working on his other boats. It was in pretty rough condition but we've been putting it back together over the last couple of months and it's starting to look pretty nice. Boat weighs about 3k lbs and the trailer is a few hundred (got it weighed but don't remember exactly). We use the Explorer's bumper hitch to tow it and have not had any problems so far. Have pulled it out of the boat ramp various times and she never slips. Just turn off OD and drop it in 1st and out she goes. Well, here it is the day we got it:

here are some pics of my rather UNIQUE setup... the trailer is a 1942 "trailcar" 1 wheel trailer. check em out.

[hijack]That is just a neat setup.. I even found a web page dedicated to those odd trailers... [/hijack]


Also, did all Explorers come with the plug in front of the rear bumper to connect the trailer lights? 'Cause I was pretty psyched when I learned I wouldn't need to hook up the wiring for my trailer lights.

Also, did all Explorers come with the plug in front of the rear bumper to connect the trailer lights? 'Cause I was pretty psyched when I learned I wouldn't need to hook up the wiring for my trailer lights.
I think it depended on if your Explorer came with a factory tow package. Just crawl under there and look. There is a round white plug on mine that the factory trailer wiring harness plugs into. If you don't have the Ford adaptor, just cut the wires and put whatever plug you need for that trailer.

Here is one of my three trailers, only one sled on the trailer but I have two.


I know this is an old thread, but it was a nice, warm and dry (for a change) day today. I thought I would take some pictures after washing everything.

If anyone is wondering, the boat is a Laser sailboat, and yes, it is upside down on the trailer.

That's an interesting trailer. What exactly does the bottom store? I like the wood body of the trailer btw.


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That's an interesting trailer. What exactly does the bottom store? I like the wood body of the trailer btw.


The box is 10' long, 4' wide and 12" high inside. In it you will find a two-piece mast, boom, rolled up sails, a launching dolly (in pieces), blade bag (daggerboard, rudder and tiller,) toolbox and parts box. There is room for 2 complete rigs (in case I double-stack 2 boats on the trailer.)

The wood is plywood. I finished it with a custom tinted stain - a pale blue (to match the boat.) However, the 4 coats of spar varnish I put over the stain cast a yellowish tint. It still looks good, just not quite how I initially imagined it.
