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trailers lets see them!!!!

i do a ton of camping, 4-5 trips a year. I am so sick and tired of putting up and taking down the tent that i am going to build a teardrop trailer. What do you guys think? I will probably need a trailer with at least a 1,500lbs capacity to start.

These photos are not mine, but this build up will give you the basic idea
The Truck with a Heart

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It's galvanized. They did a crappy job and instead of dipping it like the company used to it's sprayed on so it looks different than it should up close.

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Ill bet this pulled like crap, Never load a car backwards, unless there is no motor/transmission. All the weight is behind the trailer axles so the tounge is picking up the back of the tow vehicle, More than likely it wobbled and swayed badly at 30mph and above.

well I cant attach pics, so what I pull is an 8X10 aluminum trailer single axle weighs 600 lbs empty. It can haul up to 2500Lbs legally. Ive gone a little bit over that. Great for hauling plywood, drywall, ATVs furniture, the low deck makes it easy to load and unload.

Ill bet this pulled like crap, Never load a car backwards, unless there is no motor/transmission. All the weight is behind the trailer axles so the tounge is picking up the back of the tow vehicle, More than likely it wobbled and swayed badly at 30mph and above.

Actually, it didn't. Towed quite well in fact. Fully understand the concept of keeping weight on the tonque but the trailer wasn't long enough to position the car far enough back to keep excess weight off the tongue. While the pic doesn't show it, the rear wheels of the car are probably 3 feet in front of the trailer axles while the front wheels are only about a foot behind. Back of the car is tucked nicely under the air dam. Hitch height after hooking up to the loaded trailer dropped the hitch about 1.5 inches so the weight distribution on the trailer was fine. After towing with heavy steel trailers, towing this aluminum job was a dream.

This is my Explorer towing 6,900lbs or so. I have 3.55's and the 2 inch hitch that I added plus a massive trans cooler. The v6 doesn't tow the load too bad but some more torque and horsepower would be nice. I've towed it twice now (breakdowns)

The trailer is 3150 pounds and it is a 20 foot 12k pound equipment trailer. Way overkill to pull a car. That jeep was 3400lbs plus 100 pounds of crap and him in the truck, 100lbs of tie downs, some snow on the deck...we were probably pushing 7k pounds there.



This is my Dodge Ram 1500 with a u-haul 2000 pound galvanized 16ft car hauler and my parents 5000 pound 96 Explorer Eddie Bauer V8 that I towed up to Austin for Bandit Customs to work on. The Ram did surprisingly well considering I was at my max capacity.

Did the same thing with my explorer later that year, but due to complications I had to back the explorer on the trailer. This made for a very interesting drive.

New Little Guy Teardrop

Got this last week, and just took it out for the first time.


  • Teardrop.jpg
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..Haha...I've been waiting for you to post this..:D

..Haha...I've been waiting for you to post this..:D

I had to get a good in-use picture. Besides, I've only had it for 7 days...

..So what did you do with it for the other 6 days?...:p:

Delivering 3 sets of mattresses from Savannah, Ga to Lake Toxaway, NC and back yesterday with the 6x14 enclosed trailer. It was about 700 miles round trip, up steep inclines in the mountains. Other then accelerating and holding speed up the hills I didn't really notice the trailer was there. Final mpg was 11 and the old mattresses I hauled away weighed a good bit more. This was my first tow with STA and I'm pleased with it, I think it'll do well with a 3500ish lbs boat later this year.


Cruise set on 66mph


Cruise set on 75mph


Little bit of a throwback. The Trac has come a long way since those days.


And the tow rig fully loaded for our spring training trip to Daytona. Basically a quarter million dollar leveling kit haha


what are the specs on that boat? How well did the ST handle it? I have the gen II ST but with the 4 litre.

The boat is a Chaparral 246SSI so 25' long and weighs ~6500lbs with the trailer. I was overweight but was forced to drive about 70 miles with it. I also have a tranny cooler and power steering cooler that came with the towing package on the gen 1. It pulled okay but it's definitely much better behind a half ton or my F350 that I use to tow it now.

I have the 4.0 as well being a 1st gen. I also had air shocks in the rear that I pressurized so it didn't drop to the ground.

With independent rear suspension I would hesitate to put that much weight on the tongue because of the way the geometry of IRS works.

All the boats I have been considering have ranged between 3100-3500lbs (dry). I think I should be ok with that even with the v6.

You'll be perfectly fine with that much.

An older shot. Ya dig?


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