Transmission Trouble (again) | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Transmission Trouble (again)


Active Member
March 31, 2006
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City, State
Kennewick, WA
Year, Model & Trim Level
Explorer 1996 XLT
Hello again!

Well, the transmission work I did this summer worked great and got us through the winter just fine. Everything works on our X and we love it. Now for the bad news!

We had a CEL and flashing O/D light and the 2nd gear started not engaging unless we let off the accelerator. I pulled the codes and got the following.

P0756 - Shift Solenoid B (2) stuck or something
P0306 - Misfire on cylinder 6

Last night I changed out the B shift solenoid and it still wont shift into 2nd without letting off the accelerator.

Tonight I plan on pulling the valve body and looking at the hard parts underneath. I am not sure if this valve body has been rebuilt with the recalled flexplate / shift kits etc... I am thinking of doing this anyway. Heck it might just be a blown VB Gasket.

My questions for the forum are:

1. Is there a way to tell if the VB gasket is bad, or the EPC or something else I am overlooking? Can I do a pressure test (before I go tearing into the thing) to determine if it is something else that could be wrong?

2. How can I tell if the Valve Body modification has been done already? Is there a code or something stamped into the new ford plate, or some sort of indicator that this work has already been done?

3. What should I look for hard part wise under the VB? I did notice some small metal shavings in the pan and I wonder where these came from.

4. If I end up needing a rebuild, would it be best to just pick up a used 5r55e transmission? Are these interchangeable with the 4r55e I have now? I cant seem to find a 4r55e anywhere close to me in WA state... Or should I try to do a frankentranny thing? I am pretty skilled and I have a few tools at my disposal, but very little time.

Any help would be appreciated. I really wanted that shift solenoid to be the problem.



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You could see if there are fragments of gasket material around the edge of the valve body. Pay close attention to the area around the EPC solenoid. Did you see any band material in the pan when you pulled it off? Check the torque of the intermediate band. It is broken if the you can't get it to stop turning. I would recommend replacing the servos if you have to remove the entire transmission for some reason.

Well, I have been working all week and finally tomorrow I have some time to look under the truck.

I do remember when I had the pan off, I looked at some valve body gasket material that was pushing out past the edge of where it is seated I think. It broke off in a chunk when I touched it, very dried out and brittle. I think if I retorqued the valve body I would shatter the gasket, if that is possible.

The place that I broke off a small chunk (about 1/8 inch by 1/32 inch chunk) of gasket material that was sticking out was on the side across from the 2 solenoids, on the opposite side of the 4 solenoids. As I was laying under the truck, it was the driver side of the valve body.

I think I will at least change the valve body gasket, but I am thinking while I have it out I might as well rebuild it (barring any other issues, bands, etc)...

What should I buy to do this? I have access to an inch pound torque wrench, and I know I need a valve body gasket. What kit would you suggest (asking Brooklyn or Glacier here). I want this done well, but I dont want to spend a ton on it, and my time is somewhat limited but I have my own garrage.

I will also check the intermediate band when I climb back under there, I probably should do that first! I will let you know of my progress.

If you have any ideas or thoughts, please let me know. I really want to do this right the first time, err 2nd time.


Interested to hear the results. I have had problems with mine - took it into Mr. Tranmission & they told be "yep, 3rd gear is gone". its an off and on thing, o/d light flashes, lurches into gear - they told me it would be $2400 and up and couldn't firm up the quote until they took the tranny out. Has been suggested to me to just get a used tranny & R&R it. Interested to hear what others have done.

They wouldn't go into detail with me at the shop, even though I told them when I walked in I thought I knew what the problem was!!

Is it real difficult to pull the tranny out and put another one in? How long does this take? I'm told by the mech its an $800 job to R&R, but if its not hard, maybe I'll grab a buddy & go it myself?

VanionBB, I would recommend getting the bonded gaskets which are connected to the separator plates. K78, welcome to this forum! It's not that hard to drop the transmission. Don't let a shop talk you into a complete rebuild unless they are exactly sure of the problem. Even if you would have to rebuild the transmission, you could save some money if you remove, and install it yourself.

I think all your questions are answered in the 5R55E Valve Body Rebuild Diary in the stickies section.

VanionBB, I would recommend getting the bonded gaskets which are connected to the separator plates. K78, welcome to this forum! It's not that hard to drop the transmission. Don't let a shop talk you into a complete rebuild unless they are exactly sure of the problem. Even if you would have to rebuild the transmission, you could save some money if you remove, and install it yourself.

Thanks for the welcome!
I was hoping it wouldn't be a tough job. Mr. Transmission wasn't even talking about a complete rebuild, he was just talking about fixing the 3rd gear - which he never really DID explain what it was. I really should have asked him what the error code was - but when I heard $2400 I just ran.. LOL. Regardless, I wouldn't go in without getting a 2nd opinion. If anyone knows of a good reliable shop in Vancouver, BC.. send me the info!! ;)

That's awesome, thanks!
Found a shop on that list that's 5 mins from my house! Emailed off - will see what they say!

K87 - your 3rd gear problem is likely either VB related, or an intermediate servo issue. 3rd gear in the 5R55 is caused by releasing the overdrive band and at the same time applying the intermediate band. Timing issues here can cuase your symptoms and can be related to VB issues (including the EPC solenoid). Because the shift into gear is the intermediate band applying... we also would investigate the intermediate servo (replaceable without removing the trnny) and or adjusting the band. Again VB issues can cause apply problems if a spool is hanging up in the VB.

Intermediate Band is dead Jim.

Well, the Overdrive Band tightened up just fine, torqued and ready to go, unfortunately the Intermediate Band would never hit 120 inch pounds, and snugged right up to the locking nut.

I should have listened when I had the transmission out here:

I should have rebuilt the darn thing then. Now it looks like I have to rebuild it. I have a question first from the wife. How much is all this going to cost??

Well I know of a used transmission for about $500. What does a new one cost?, and how much am I going to sink into this to rebuild it? I plan on doing all of the work myself, but I will have to buy some tools to make it happen(transmission jack).

I am not short on motivation, I am however short on time. I work 50 hour weeks, and it is only going to get worse. I really want to rebuild it, but I don't think I will have time to do it, and I cannot afford to keep the X locked up in the garage all summer. I don't know what to do at this point.

<long sigh>

I think I will sleep on it.
