Upgrading Fact. Trans cooler? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Upgrading Fact. Trans cooler?


Explorer Addict
June 27, 2005
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1998 Sport 4wd- V6 Sohc
My 98' Sport came with the tow package and the auxilary tranny cooler mounted in front of the main radiator.

it looks to be a straight swap out by just changing the coolant lines and mounting a new larger B&M model.

My question is will it make a differance to upgrade to a more efficient better built cooler? and is it as easy as it looks?

Lowering trans operating temps by just a few degrees will add years to a transmissions life.

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LOTS and LOTS of people here have a second or third tranny cooler.

Never heard a single negative word or phrase.

Ok but lets just say I want to swap out the smaller factory cooler with a larger B&M Model with more cooling capacity. It is seemingly a bit easier would that B&M cooler be any better over the stock unit??

p.s. Do any of you guys use Synthetic tranny fluid in your rides?

Lazzman said:
Ok but lets just say I want to swap out the smaller factory cooler with a larger B&M Model with more cooling capacity. It is seemingly a bit easier would that B&M cooler be any better over the stock unit??

p.s. Do any of you guys use Synthetic tranny fluid in your rides?

You could but there is simply no reason to.

Yes, I use Amsoil ATF.

The larger cooler surface will give you more cooling.
You really cant over cool your tranny.
Just leave the factory one in place and add the B&M. That is what I did.
Aldive's set up is simular if not identical.

Might also consider an oversize finned Alum tranny pan, adds an additional 3 qts of fluid, also allows you to drain 7 Qts. works for me

Yes Spindle, where can I get such a device?

I added an additional one because I tow, but even before adding one, monitoring the tranny temp via a OBD-II scanner, the fluid never went above 190 (even while towing and stuck in stop and go traffic)

You do want the tranny to get up to temp to keep condensation down.

wpurple said:
I added an additional one because I tow, but even before adding one, monitoring the tranny temp via a OBD-II scanner, the fluid never went above 190 (even while towing and stuck in stop and go traffic)

You do want the tranny to get up to temp to keep condensation down.
190 is pretty high, pls explaine about the condensation
also can tranny temp be monitored via OBD 2 scanner? I don't think so

I most certainly monitor tranny temp with the OBD-II scanner.
With the extra cooler I run about 140 degrees when it is very cold out, and 160 to 180 when temps are above 70

190 is no problem for tranny fluid.

spindlecone said:
190 is pretty high, pls explaine about the condensation
also can tranny temp be monitored via OBD 2 scanner? I don't think so

You can do full tranny monitoring via scan tool.

spindlecone said:
190 is pretty high, pls explaine about the condensation
also can tranny temp be monitored via OBD 2 scanner? I don't think so

Spindlecone, didnt you and I have this discussion already ?

Transmission information IS delevered through the OBD II port via scan tool.

Here are three examples since you love proof.

In one shot I enlarged the tranny temp reading.
The next shot shows the variety of tranny info supplied. Note that the screen does not have enough room for all info.
The third shot shows it is in fact a hand held OBD II scan tool.
The make is Matco tools and it is the MD1,000


  • scantool1.jpg
    40.5 KB · Views: 259
  • scantool2.jpg
    39.8 KB · Views: 259
  • scantool3.jpg
    46.3 KB · Views: 275

Thx Monmix
Honestly did not thing it was with The 5R55E tranny in real time constant readout

No prob' man.
We all are here to learn.

Next question
without using a laptop, do you know of a scanner that will readout constant in realtime? I:E while driving.
I use an autometer gauge that gives me fluid temp at the pan, in real time, just curious if a scanner can do that

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spindlecone said:
Next question
without using a laptop, do you know of a scanner that will readout constant in realtime? I:E while driving.
I use an autometer gauge that gives me fluid temp at the pan, in real time, just curious if a scanner can do that

yeah, that one will. Of all the OTC scantools ( which is who makes the Matco MD-1,000 ) this is the bottom line of the full function. The step up is the OTC Genesys, but that is *cha-ching*. You can get one like mine or the identical OTC Nemisis for around $1,200.00 to $1,700.00 I believe.
I got mine used on a sweet deal.

I'll tell ya Spindle, this tool tells you just about every thing short of what color the vehicle is.

So to answer your question, this tool does opperate real time. I have driven many a miles with it hooked up chcking out the accuracy of my AM tranny guage as well as monitoring many other functions.
