Valance Screws | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Valance Screws


February 26, 2020
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Year, Model & Trim Level
2020 Explorer Limited
Will someone go look under the front bumper of their 2020 Explorer at the gray plastic valance piece. There are 4 black, I believe hex, screws that attach it to the bumper, along with two silver screws on the far left and right. The silver screws look like some kind of security screw, but I've never seen anything like them before. Does anyone know what type of screws these are and what driver is needed to remove them?

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A picture might help.



  • image (9).jpg
    image (9).jpg
    92.9 KB · Views: 82

Thanks for posting that. I don't recall ever seeing one like that. Perhaps someone else will be able to help now that they can see what is being talked about.


The best I can come up with is some type of security tri-wing (Y) bit.

You can look at Wiha tools for their set of security bit drivers. It will probably have one for that screw, though I don't know what it is called.

The best I can come up with is some type of security tri-wing (Y) bit.

Also, this photo is very close up. The head is about the size of a typical Phillips head screw., maybe slightly on the larger side. But that gray, plastic skid guard / valance / protector under the front bumper seems to be fastened by two of these - probably to prevent theft. But, if you want to remove or replace it for any reason (like you bottom out on an incline and scratch it up) you'll have to get past these it looks like.

I've got a security bit set and it doesn't include anything that would work on that . Has to have a notch in the center for the bit to slip over and engage the 3 outside slots

Hey y'all, I've investigated this more since my post, and it's a f- rivet. Sorry for wasting y'alls time and appreciate the good faith efforts to help me unscrew a rivet. That gray skid guard is riveted to the bumper cover to encourage DIYers who want to replace the skid guard to also damage the bumper, thereby encouraging DIYers to replace both for much more $$$$$$$ to Ford.
