Welded trailer hitch removal | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Welded trailer hitch removal


Explorer Addict
January 8, 2006
Reaction score
City, State
Humboldt Ks
Year, Model & Trim Level
1997 Mountaineer 5.0
Was working on the X today trying to install a new used bumper i acquired recently was trying to get the old trailer hitch off of the vehicle well it seems the previous owner not only bolted the hitch to the frame but booger welded it to! I was trying to use a 4 1/2 in angle grinder with a grinding wheel in it but it wasn't exactly setting the world on fire with it cutting ability.

And besides getting a bigger angle grinder which i can't afford right now my question is this should i use cutting wheels or just keep grinding with the wheels i am using?

Here's a pic to show what i am trying to grind through. ya i know another crappy camera phone pic.:rolleyes:


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Cutting wheels take some time getting used to but I'd switch to them to slice through the welds. Cutting wheels shatter if not used correctly so be careful and wear eye protection (as you should always). Just make sure you're cutting at the proper angle to avoid cutting into the chassis. In other words, you only want to cut into the penetrated area of the hitch (and not the penetrated area of the chassis).

I would add that you always need to be cutting away from you body if possible. those cutting wheels can really bite in and take off, I have had more than one of those babies try to cut off my hand.

Always use heavy leather gloves, and long sleeve leather(best) or jean jacket to give your flesh a fighting chance.

to add to IZ's advice, always cut with the wheel angled toward the hitch. The wheels cut really fast, but only on the very edge. So if you try to grind with the side it does very little. Those are the quickest way to remove welds, because you don't need to remove the whole weld just cut a slit into it and then wack it with a big hammer. The welds are very hard and will crack quickly. Sometimes a hard chisel is useful to pop the weld. Once you do the first one you will see it is pretty easy to remove the welds.

Funny thing about welding hitches, you can actually weaken the frame if done improperly due to the quick heating and cooling of the metal. Assembled properly bolts are normally stronger because they have more elasticity.

ya, grinders your best bet for most types of metal cutting, torch is only as good as the user and plasma can really make a mess of things if your not careful.

oh, I just re-read your post. Your using a GRINDING WHEEL. Ha, you need a cutoff wheel. It will cut like butter compared to a grinding wheel.

Thanks for the advice but after 4 hrs. of cutting i could still not get the stupid thing off so i did the next best thing and cut it off flush with the frame so it's 90% gone now.:confused: i'll folow up with pics later.

Sorry to hear about all the troubles, sounds and looks like he stick welded it.

You need to go stick weld his nuts together :D

Sorry to hear about all the troubles, sounds and looks like he stick welded it.

You need to go stick weld his nuts together :D

Yeah ya know i was thinking something along these lines too after i saw what the previous owner did:mad: and of course to add to my troubles yesterday i also burned up one angle grinder and had to stop and go exchange that too. then finally cut it off with the Sawall....yes the Sawall is my new friend:D:D

A Pic of the offender:p:


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yeah now you have to clean up all the rampant welds, rustproof, and undercoat before you can install a new hitch. I hope you were able to remove the welds without incurring too much damage to the frame?

I feel for you, I used to work in a welding shop cleaning up messes that people made it can be fun.
