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What did you X come with Stock?


Elite Explorer
July 5, 2001
Reaction score
City, State
Riverside, Ca
Year, Model & Trim Level
'01 XLT 4x4
I looked up my axle code last night and I found out I have 4.10s with a LS in the rear!!!:eek: (I haven't done my gears yet) I also have the B rated T-Bars. I was really amazed, Ford ROCKS!:D I'm just happy I got the 2001 and not the 2002.

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Originally posted by Xplodor
I looked up my axle code last night and I found out I have 4.10s with a LS in the rear!!!:eek: (I haven't done my gears yet) I also have the B rated T-Bars. I was really amazed, Ford ROCKS!:D I'm just happy I got the 2001 and not the 2002.

Lucky b@stard:shoot: :D

I got the 3.73 gears with the really cool open diff! :mad:

Soon to be a 4.10 with an Eaton LS though, so my troubles will be over. :D

my truck came stock with 3.27 open diff. they should've just put a sticker there that said "haha on you"

Originally posted by DeagleDave
my truck came stock with 3.27 open diff. they should've just put a sticker there that said "haha on you"

Man, you got it even worse than me! That's sucks.

Actually, all 4 of my families' Explorers came with the D4 3.73 LS


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Manual 5-Speed with 3.73 LS (D4)

3.55's with open diffs :(. Oh well, it still performs fine with 31's on it, and having the Powertrax in made all the difference in the world offroad.

Doc, before I regeared, I was right there with you! Open 3.27s:(

How do i figure out what gears i have on my 98 sport? I'm just learning this kind of stuff. O yah, and what are the best gears to have? Thanks.

4.10's with a Torsen LS. Okay, it isn't an X, but related...

I got the best ever!! I got the 3.27 open!! Really sucks. But I see that I'm not the only one. And it came with the really big 27.4" tires. How cool is that!?!?!

About the only worthwhile thing I specifically did when I bought mine was specify.... 4.10's and an L/S!!! Especially since I had every bonehead salesman at the dealership tell me ' why do you want that; it's just going to take your mileage down.... besides you're getting the 4x4; why is the L/S such an important option to you?' :confused: I think they were mad, cuz I actually made them have to look for an option. :)
I guess I did one thing right.

I got the 3.73 and LS. D4 code.

I got the 4:10 open. code 42:confused:

4.10, limited slip (D2)

Looks like I win... 3.08 open!! But when I did the 4wd conversion I swaped both front a rear axles to match the 3.55 ration... moving up in the world!


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finally found it.......4.10 open... also came stock with 31's and 16in tires. bought used, not bad i think. it has worked great for me. :D :p :redexp: :usa:
