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Wheel Spacers

Looks good all flush like that. I was kinda hoping that the spacers would bring the wheels out just a tad more for that sweet wide stance look. Especially lowered, that would look badass. Mine are flush without spacers, so maybe I'll look into this option too.

I also think the mud flaps are too much. You definitely won't be offroading or encountering any mud with that set up I would hope lol.

So what's next for you, big brakes? Those 22's make these brakes look aweful tiny...

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Looks good all flush like that. I was kinda hoping that the spacers would bring the wheels out just a tad more for that sweet wide stance look. Especially lowered, that would look badass. Mine are flush without spacers, so maybe I'll look into this option too.

I also think the mud flaps are too much. You definitely won't be offroading or encountering any mud with that set up I would hope lol. So what's next for you, big brakes? Those 22's make these brakes look aweful tiny...
I don't see a reason to remove the splash guards. I think they look good. They also help in keeping the liftgate area a little cleaner as some owners have discovered.


I removed the guards from one side last week and took a good look comparing left side to right side and came to the conclusion that it looked better with them on. They flow with the line of the tires and more importantly will keep rocks an or dirt from flying up the side since so much of the tire would be exposed without them. To each their own.
Brakes would be cool but definitely not in the budget.

I removed the guards from one side last week and took a good look comparing left side to right side and came to the conclusion that it looked better with them on. They flow with the line of the tires and more importantly will keep rocks an or dirt from flying up the side since so much of the tire would be exposed without them. To each their own.
Brakes would be cool but definitely not in the budget.

Are those the oem mud guards? After seeing this I thought about and looked at it some more and then looked at how dirty my ex gets due to the wide offset on my wheels, so I decided to get some Husky mudflaps, turns out they don't fit in the front with the nerf bars, I have the same as you. So now I might have to look for oem ones instead if that's what you have.

Are those the oem mud guards? After seeing this I thought about and looked at it some more and then looked at how dirty my ex gets due to the wide offset on my wheels, so I decided to get some Husky mudflaps, turns out they don't fit in the front with the nerf bars, I have the same as you. So now I might have to look for oem ones instead if that's what you have.

Yes, they are OEM guards. They just touch the nerf bars. If I remember correctly there might be a little for/aft adjustment on the bars.

Yes, they are OEM guards. They just touch the nerf bars. If I remember correctly there might be a little for/aft adjustment on the bars.

Ok thanks, I'll get OEM ones and look at my bars.

Tx again
I am just about to order the spacers from Lenny
I need the same as you 15 and 25 mm
Did you use loctite or a clip on the studs?
Can't wait to see the video of your truck


I thought I wrote this up and had the order pulled and shipped last week(Spacers), but I guess I forgot.

Sorry about that.

I will have my shipping guy pull them and we will ship tomorrow with USPS Priority mail, so that should put them in your hands on Saturday

Sorry about that...


My Ex is very sad right now:(

Nice Work!!! They should come frm the factory like that.

Thanks guys. Yes, it is a Magnaflow catback.

Bstollmaier, really a nice ride. where did you get the side vents? did you install? those really add a new level of cool.

What a POS. Nice find. I went on eBay to report him but their reporting tool is a joke. You have to choose specific categories and there is no place to write a letter of sorts. No contact number either. I'll dig further later.
There is some drone but not enough to bother me.
The vents are described in this thread http://www.explorerforum.com/forums/showthread.php?t=386478&page=3

Let us know how it goes. I was thinking of doing the same and dropping my EX Sport a bit. Where did you get them and how wide did you go? I've heard many bad reviews of spacers, but suspect most problems come from cheap versions out of China.

Another thread from member with spacers here:

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Yep, bought them from the same place as BStoller. Got them from bargain bin for $120. Will post install pics later tonight.
