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Whining when 4x4 is disengaged


Active Member
May 15, 2002
Reaction score
City, State
Anchorage, AK
Year, Model & Trim Level
'94 Sport
Just wondering if anyone know what this is:

When I engage 4x4, than disengage it, I hear a whining
start to come from the front of the vehicle as I am
moving along. If I stop, the noise stops, than starts
back up when I continue moving. When I re-engage
4x4, it stops whining. I have to do a combination of
engaging, disengaging and turn on and off the vehicle
for it to finally stop whining at me when out of 4x4.

Why is it doing this and how can I solve it?

I have a 1994 Explorer with an Auto Tranny and Auto
Hubs. I am thinking hubs or fliuds at this point but
wanted to get some expert advice.


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Really good chance it's the hubs. They are notorious for failing. Usually when they start to go, it sounds like someone is spinning a ratchet wrench really fast. Probably time for a set of manual hubs.

I am with Jeff mine do the same thing I changed the hubs on one ex now I have to do the other:D

Yeah, thats what my first thought was. My X has been
doing a little more heavy duty stuff than those hubs
are made for. I was going to switch to manual ones
as soon as I could afford it. Any idea on how much the
hubs cost? I am not too worried about doing the
work myself because I already plan to be doing a lot
of work on the front of my truck in the next few weeks
anyways, mostly body work, but I figure while I am at
it, might as well.



I gave 180 for mine:D

Any paticular brand? Or is there really no choice?

There are a couple different ones I went with warner and they work great:D

Too much of a pain to install? I have seen a few posts
about it, but didnt think I would be doing it anytime
soon lol

I had Warn's on my old '92. They are a snap to install if you can turn a wrench. You will need to buy a special socket to properly tighten the nuts, but it only runs about $15 from a parts store. It took me about 1/2 hour per wheel to do.

Sweet, as soon as I get my insurance money,
consider me working on them lol

Know where that post about how to install
them is? If not, I will just search later the
day before I buy the hubs.

Thanks a bunch guys!!

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