who said stock x's were slow? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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who said stock x's were slow?

'95 v6... knn filter (no filter housing) and v-force exhaust.

Yea, it can be slow at times... but atleast it will eventually get you upto speed =P


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i've got the same picture without the mods :)

lol, like i'm going the exact same speed...i was still accellerating until i ran out of room and had to make a sharp turn and slam on the brakes....cool picture anyway -- good ol' v6 can get it going

yeh I have driven from school to home on the interstate at 104. at 105 my governor kicks in.

Originally posted by snowburns
lol, like i'm going the exact same speed...i was still accellerating until i ran out of room and had to make a sharp turn and slam on the brakes....

100mph + sharp turn + slam on the brakes = um, roll over?

I have had my old explorer to 120+ mph. Let me just say I was holding onto the sterring wheel very very tight for that one. Not bad in a car but in an SUV it can feel kind of hairy.

I took a road trip through Montana years ago when there was no speed limit and I was running at around 95 mph. I thought it was great and I felt like I was making great time but I was only getting 180 miles out of a tank of gas (19 gallon tank) so I spent more time at the pump then on the road. The speedo in my 94 only goes up to 85 but the needle was well past that.

Glad to see that you were concentrating on driving and not doing things stupid like, looking down and taking a picture of you goin 102 mph.. oh wait :p

i did the same thing in my grandpa's 95 ranger, took a picture..

is that your ex topped out hydroxy?

and can anyone tell me what the top speed of a stock 94 sport 4.0L?

ive never tried it myself. dont really want to push it to the limit, i need it to stay alive for a couple more years.

Splat got up to 120, and got there very quickly :D

Originally posted by Brandon4AU
yeh I have driven from school to home on the interstate at 104. at 105 my governor kicks in.
Mine is about 107 ;)

I dont know if that was the top... i slowed down after that tho.

Mine hits 110 then craps out... :D

just found this pic...


  • !cid_picture008.jpg
    55.6 KB · Views: 851

Anybody know the reason why the v8 tach doesnt have a redline on it?

Originally posted by LiKuiD
Anybody know the reason why the v8 tach doesnt have a redline on it?

I would just like to believe that we can rev it as high as we want. lol. I bet we make alot of power at 10,000 rpms. lol.

Oh by the way, ever since my crash I have not been really affected mentally by it unless I am speeding. Then I cannot help but thinking that any little bit of debris on the road can send me careening into the woods flipping end over end again. I have driven my new explorer to its speed limiter, but I was white knuckling the steering wheel. I guess that crash had alot more of an affect than I thought it would. I just hope when I get the mustang and all that stuff going I will have enough heart to keep in it while I am trapping 120+ mph quarter mile speeds. I think I will be more at ease in a car though. Lower to the ground and less likely to flip. Though my buddy apparently proved that untrue too. He flipped his 96 mustang not too long ago. I guess he is doing ok. The docs still havent determined whether he had the brain damage from before or after the accident. lol. Just a little joke. lol. He was able to get his flipping end over end too. CHALK ANOTHER ONE UP FOR THE ROLLOVER CLUB!!! :D

Oh by the way just to clarify, my accident was caused by a severe tire blowout/shredding at 70 mph. His was caused by Jack Daniels......................................................................................................

I know. I know....I have already told him repeatedly that he is a jackass.

Originally posted by TarHeel085
i think after 97 or so the tach doesnt have a redline, cause my 99 SOHC doesnt either.

96 doesnt have a redline either..its 96+ 95 was the only year of the 2nd gens

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i have driven my brother truck way over 130, 140 it feels good up there, but his gets there faster then most trucks. we raced a ML55 rolling on the highway once at about 80. my brother just gave it half gas as we pulled away from this guy who had it flored that is why he has a 160 speedo now.
