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Whos running what tire and why?

I'd like to see what tire everyone is running, I'm having a tough decision on what tire to get next. I'm looking at 31-10.50-15's. I'd also like to hear what you've run and wouldn't get again. I was looking at the goodyear wrangler silentarmors but some ppl have been saying stay away from GY. I do alot of highway driving and given the nature of my job, I need something thats good in rain, snow and ice. I like to hit the trails once in a while too. Whos running BFG all terrains? Thanks for the imput.

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I have 31x10.5 BFG all terrain stock on my 04 Ranger 65,000-miles so far, maybe 75,000, light to medium duty off road use. They are decent tires. The cost and availability make them a good deal. I will probably replace with the same.

I have stock size BF Goodrich All-Terrain T/A's (can't remember the numbers right now). I think they are the perfect tire for a vehicle that is a daily driver but likes to see some trails now and then. There on-road performance in the rain is amazing. I'm planning on doing the TT/shackle lift and get some 31x10.50x15 tires. As of right now I'm planning on getting the BFG's again.

Michelin XLT M/S.

Pricey, but an excellent tire. Improved the ride ALOT after switching from Goodyear Wrangler RT/S.

I am running Timberline A/T's. Why? Because they are good on road tires, have a good tread life, and handle good in snow. Being a DD, I need something that runs well on the freeway too.

Bridgestone Dueler Revo... Awesome tire so far, although I keep hearing about how the treadlife isn't very good.

Another LTX M/S here. They are a little pricey as previously stated, but the tread life is fantastic, and they're great in rain, snow, and mud. Ride quality is awesome. When (if) I wear these out, I'll be replacing them with the same

Thanks for the reply guys. I'm running timberline at baja's, their not bad but I'd like an improvement. I've read a few reviews on the GY wrangler silent armours but they don't seem to get a warm welcome here. I have it narrowed to the BFG's, LTX M/S, and the GY SA.

I've got BFG T/A All Terrains and reason for those is, they have nice tread, I hadn't heard a bad thing about them plus wanted something that'd go good on trails and also something that wouldn't run bad on the highway and since my fiance may drive it to work someday also wanted something that would be good if the mountains were snow covered. Don't know the measurements but I've got them on stock 15" wheels, there is a pic of'em on my ex in the link "the explorers" in my sig.

Forgot to also note I got the 31" because I wanted to add some height.

I've been running a set of Kelly MSRs for the past three years. Love them! Great traction and wear.

How are everyones BFG's wearing? normal with routine bal and rotation?

I don't know how well they're wearing yet :)

I run 32-11.50 15's bfg mud terrain. They wear good on the highway and are good off road. little noise.
I just turn up the stero.

I have Wild Country TXR 31-10.50-15's Mud Terrains. I've had them on my truck for over a year, about 25,000 miles. Still have over half the tread left. They came with a 40,000 or 50,000 mile warranty, can't remember which. They ride pretty good in town and ok on the highway but a pretty loud. I've put them through every type of terrain I could; mud, snow, rain, pavement, all different type of rock, ice. I've only gotten stuck twice and both times were user error. Before that I had stock size Goodyear Wranglers RT/S. And I didn't like them for off road or snow compared to the Wild Country. But they were good for the highway and about just that.

I've told people that if you get BFG A/Ts, you wont be disappointed with them. They are really great tires for a DD, and decent for some moderate offroading, depending also on what terrain you use them. They are almost silent to my ears, but that could be because i ran M/Ts before these. They also provide a really smooth ride and inspire confidence in all types of driving.
I also think the BFG M/T is an awesome tire. When i ran them i was very happy with them on the road for a DD. Besides being noisy and a little bumpy, they gave excellent traction in wet weather, much better even than the stock rugged trails i had. They also would have lasted me well over 40,000 miles had my truck been in alignment and the tires worn evenly. The way i see these two tires, both serve well for a DD. The A/T will compromise offroad-ability, where the M/T will compromise on-road comfort (but not much).

I've also wondered about those Dakotas, I really like the way they look, but i would opt for a well-known name brand.

31x10.50x15 BFG All-Terrain T/A KO's
They're just awesome.

Just got my BFG AT 32x11.5x15, and they are mean and awesome.

Is there a reason why most of the folks chose 31 over 32 ?

31s fit almost always without needing to trim on a stock vehicle. 32 is a little more uncommon of a size, a lot of the time when people have a lift, they'll just move up to 33s.

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31s fit almost always without needing to trim on a stock vehicle. 32 is a little more uncommon of a size, a lot of the time when people have a lift, they'll just move up to 33s.

i dont think 33s would fit with an AAL/Shackle lift , i mean i had to trim a little off the fender and the front bumper to fit the 32s.
