Why trash talk 2WD exp? | Page 2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Why trash talk 2WD exp?

Are 2WD really that bad?

  • 2WD are decent

    Votes: 49 47.1%
  • 2WD suck

    Votes: 25 24.0%
  • Depends on the mods

    Votes: 30 28.8%

  • Total voters
Well I still managed to get stuck like 3 or 4 times in not mud or while climbing (North Port - dunno if you've heard of it). Usually it ended up with my friends bringing out a bunch of shovels and crap, and we'd just dig, etc. for like 3-4hrs. One time though I couldn't get any of my friends out, and I ended up flagging down 2 guys who would definitely go in my "Top 10 Sketchy-est People I've Met" List driving an early 90s white Ranger with like 7" of front ground clearance and like 5" of rear because of all the trash/junk (a rusty washing machine, old tires, etc.) they had in the back, but it was at least a 4x4.
My grandma had a cutlass though, I remember as a kid thinking all the flags on the side badge were the coolest thing ever. All the years I knew her and I don't think she ever had a different vehicle.

My biggest problem has pretty much just been not knowing anybody with a 4x4, and crap, now that I'm up in GA I know even fewer people with cars, let alone 4x4s, compared to back home. Maybe I just talk with the wrong people, but then again, I'm not much for frats and drinking so that you can black out.

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...Just do what I did...

Collect all 3!

I have a `92 2WD, a `93 4WD, and a `98 AWD....

No matter what, I have the right vehicle!


The majority of desert race trucks are 2wd. If you like to go blazingly fast across the desert, 2wd rules:D:burnout:


Well I used to have a 93 Ranger Reg Cab 2wd, and that thing was just terrible for wheeling/offroading/mudding. I got stuck so many times, I have went back to those same places in my 4wd X and got through them like no problem.

In my opinion the 2wd is a street version and is made for speed I mean have you seen the saleen Explorer? It is lighter not having an extra driveshaft etc. I think each has a purpose, I have both and they both serve a purpose.

Well I can tell you for sure my V6 4x2 ST wasn't made for speed. That thing is made to be driven to Home Depot or sit aimlessly on the pavement - or maybe one day it'll be made to get SAS'd.

Explorers are cheap enough (first gens at least) that it's not that hard to have two... the 4WD is great for the winter and off road, and 2WD is great for gas mileage and if I wanted to build a pre-runner or street truck. It all depends on your purpose for the vehicle; they both have their place. I can respect any well engineered truck, 2WD or 4WD, that is built for a purpose.

As for the off road argument, for trails and mud... if you have a 2WD truck and no money, run what you got! But don't spend $1000 on upgrades for it when you could buy a 4WD truck for the same amount of money. That's my opinion anyways.

I prefer a good 4wd; I've had bad experiences getting stuck in sand and snow with my old 2wd ranger and vowed to never get one again. They call it death valley for a reason!

The majority of desert race trucks are 2wd. If you like to go blazingly fast across the desert, 2wd rules:D:burnout:


don't have a 2wd but this proves it 2wd can do it too, when debating if the truck will make it, don't, just back up some more and get speed if the professionals jump roads then a fast moving x can glide over the mud pit

either way it would be cool to see, and like others have said it all depends on the situation

EDIT: add an option of 2wd are great (ill be the first to press CHECK)
your poll itself makes it sound like you don't wanna hear good feedback

ive have an old 4x4 that i recently retired and an AWD outback that i gave to my parents. my current ride is a 4X2 and they're all good with me. i got a 2WD because i use my truck 5 days a week on the road commuting to work in sunny california, and two days a week, if that, or whenever i get the chance to go fishing, hiking, camping, biking and up to the mountains to go snowboarding. it was just more economical for me and what ill be using it for. and while i loved my old 4x4, im loving my new sport trac because it's been getting the job done for me. i dont do any serious rock hopping or mudding, i just need a truck that can carry my fishing gear or snowboards or bikes to wherever im going. there is great fishing in the bay area and in the delta sometimes you need to go offroad to get to a spot, but nothing too crazy so the 2WD is working fine for me. i just dont see any sense in anyone flipping out a 2WD truck with big 33's a 6 inch lift and everything else. that's what's stupid. it's like someone racing out a geo metro. you wont see me doing any of that with the ST i just got my hands on. just planning on getting some good shocks, a set of larger AT tires and maybe some new wheels. the weather's never too bad where i live and i can just throw some chains on whenever i hit the mountains and there's a snowstorm. if i ever get the urge or need to do some serious four wheeling, i can break my old 4x4 out of its much deserved retirement (220k miles).

Though I voted "depends on the mods," serious explorations are hard to do with a low or lower than average exploder.

I just want to sit up high, have some clearance. Most of the lifted trucks I see are street queens anyway. If I would have been in a different situation, I may have looked for a 4x4, but I wasnt looking for one of these trucks when I got it. I traded my dad my 03 deville + cash for the mounty. And apparently I got the only 2wd 5.0L on earth, lol. Either way, I'm not trying to go rock climbing or through 6ft deep mud holes.

Mine is 2wd, and here in NC, it'll probably be just fine. I'm not looking forward to driving it to Michigan at christmas, but that's what they make airplanes for. I wish I'd held out for a 4wd, just for the resale, but other than that, I'm happy.

With all ABS, wheel bearing and wheel sensor issues I've been having lately I WISH my Ex was 2wd. What a raging PITA these things are with all the automatic driving nannies! stupid truck WON'T come out of 4wd as of tonight. I'm ready to sawzall my front drive shaft and be done with it.

I have a 2WD ST and I've had alot of fun playing in light mud with it. I would love to have a 4WD, but I got what I got and its a good truck. Its also nice knowing that I don't have to worry about having any 4WD issues to deal with.

Can't live without my 4WD. Couldn't imagine surviving out here without it.

I have to say I was one of those people who thought SUVs/Trucks HAD to have 4WD or it was just stupid. However, once I got my 2WD Explorer my attitude quickly shifted around.

The only time my 2WD really showed through was in "snowmageddon" in Chicago where there was huge drifts up to wazoo and ice everywhere. And in those conditions, 4WD wouldn't have helped at all except to make your truck look more pathetic trying to get through a 6ft snow drift covered in ice.

I like 2WD right now because for now, my Explorer is a DD, and lugging around bunches of 4WD equipment that may see what, 2 months of use MAYBE is pretty pointless. Most of the time around here, when it get bad, even 4WD won't help and it takes the perfect snowfall that comes once every 5 years to really make 4WD shine through. Pointless. And around here, the streets are paved before you wake up so you don't even have to worry about that. All 4WD is lots of things to go wrong in my book.

Don't get me wrong, I love 4X4 and my next truck will definitely be 4X4, but this Explorer has plenty of life left and when I do get the funds to build it up to a wheeler, you better believe it will still be 2WD and showing up most 4WDs. :)

Rant over.

I don't always go wheeling, but when I do I prefer 4wd.

Every time I have been out and someone lost 4wd, it has always been a big issue.

Sorry, 2wd won't cut it in the midwest at places like SMORR or Kansas Rocks.

However, I must admit we made it over Hancock pass in Colorado (from south to north) in 2wd. For those kind of roads 2wd is OK.
