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Why you should wear your seatbelt

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Damn! Was that a test or a research or something? Why the camera?

From what I understand, it was either a Taxi or a delivery vehicle with a dash cam.......I bet that left a mark.....



I just showed that to a few people at work. They were all disturbed and said, "Thanks a lot Joe!"

Now they're afraid to drive home in the rain!

woah thats crazy!

Looks like he dozed off or something?

I think the dale earnhardt shirt says it all...:p :D

Holy poop shoot!!!!!:eek:

holy.... whatever!!! this guy was just falling asleep... it was way too late when he realized what has happened...and ended up on the rear shelf... not even in the seat... It's quite possible that he didn't come alive out of this... notice how the car buckled in right where his head has landed... and from the beginning... he never put two hands on the wheel... even when he knew he was in trouble.


that's just another lesson to all that don't buckle-up.

I learned long, long time ago when as a young driver (16) ended-up T-boning another vehicle that couldn't stop at a stop sign on an icy road.... I had my belt on and all I got was a bruised chest...

one word..


Originally posted by Dre
... It's quite possible that he didn't come alive out of this...

its interesting watching the FG, which im thinking is the force exserted on the car, and just when he flys across to the passanger side it reads out 6.2, so he really flew head first into metal...you might be right

in one single frame he flys across the car, which is 1/4 of a second

I've seen that tied in with another post before, and I just don't understand why people don't wear seatbelts?!!? It can be the difference between living and dying. All the fatal crashes on the news typically point out that the driver wasn't wearing a seat belt.

My favorite buckle-up add that I read on the top of an info packet from the MSP was.....

"Troopers wear safety belts....do you?"

oh man that was crazy! as much as i pity that guy he brought it upon himself.

That guy got tossed around like a rag doll. He was lucky he didn't get ejected from the vehicle and then have it run him over... Being run over by your own car has got to be pretty embarrassing.

I wouldn't say embarrassing but bad fcuking luck! What I think is embarrassing is on the ricer video where a guy in a lifted Chevy was showing off climbing out of his truck while it was moving then having to bail out as it crashed into a telephone pole!!! That's just comedy.

Originally posted by DEROCHA
Being run over by your own car has got to be pretty embarrassing.
LOL! Being embarrassed is the least of your worries when you get run over by your own car. :D

Originally posted by ALLOUTWAR13
as much as i pity that guy he brought it upon himself.

i dont know if this is the general tone in this thread but i have to TOTALLY DISAGREE.

im not saying it was a bad choice for him not to wear his seatbelt, but because someone doesnt wear their seatbelt does not mean the DESERVE to be in a fatal accident and die.

Yes its a fact, seatbelts save lives and should be worn at all times- but if someone chooses not to wear their seatbelt, dont wish harm on them; thats just messed up.

I feel bad for this guy- how do we know he wasnt wearing his seatbelt for hours and it got uncomfortable so he took it off for a few minutes, and unfortunately thats when the accident occurred?

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Originally posted by sk1er17
I feel bad for this guy- how do we know he wasnt wearing his seatbelt for hours and it got uncomfortable so he took it off for a few minutes, and unfortunately thats when the accident occurred?
I'd put money on this being very unlikely..I wear my seat belt everytime I get in a car. I would feel naked without it... IMO people either buckle or they don't.

The sad thing is seeing little kids unrestrained in cars. I wish these parents had a clue of the danger...No matter how much education and data is presented some people just know they will be ok and choose not to wear a belt..
