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Why you should wear your seatbelt

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It sucks when anybod get hurts. But when you drive around, obviously tired(he nodded off), driving with one hand(as you can see), and no seat belt(flying action), that's your own fault.

I know I don't drive without a seatbelt. Especially when I'm tired, I always have two hands on the wheel and a coffe/coke/caffiene in the cupholder.

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Just because we are saying that he deserved it doesn't mean that we want every guy out there that doesn't wear a seatbelt to crash and die...

I think that they should only blame themself for doing that.

Chances are if he lived through this he might sue the car maker --- why didn't the car have automatic seat belts???

You guys missed my point:

First, Derocha- i do a lot of driving and every once in a while i need to take my seatbelt off because it bothers my shoulder (i had those padded things but the velcro wore off), so your generalization right away is false.

Second, I fully agree with etc, little kids should be restrained at ALL times (whether the belt hurts or not- its better to have a chafing belt than a dead child)

Thirdly, I also agree that if you dont wear your seatbelt and you get hurt then YOU are to blame for your injuries- it was your choice to take the belt off.

My point that i was trying to get accross: it seemed like everyone was glad this guy got hurt and DESERVED it because he wasnt wearing his seat belt. He didnt DESERVE any of that, its unfortunate. Saying he deserved that is like saying anyone who drinks DESERVES to die of alcohol poisening.

and anyone that drinks knows they can die.... like anybody that smokes knows that he or she can die...

anybody getting behind a wheel not wearing a seat belt should realize that they are risking their life...

It's good that I have thought my kids to wear seat belts at all times.... I can't start moving untill they are fastened... and that's a good thing. Awareness is very important.

I think everybody's message in these posts said just that... "If you get behind a wheel and do not wear your seat belt you're crazy or just plain stupid"

We can go on about all these folks that got into accidents not wearing one and lived because they this or that... I have a friend that totalled his Stang years ago doing 100 mph on regular city roadway... He crashed into many light poles, baricades and rolled it like twenty times... he was not wearing a seat belt and was ejected through the sunroof.... and all he got was a few bruises... there was no part on the car that you could recognize and yet... he only got a few small bruises... explain that!

A person that does not wear the belt is a liability to the other passengers in the car. If you do not wear your seatbelt you are asking for it, if you do it with people in the car then you are a sorry person.

Originally posted by GaSouthern1
. If you do not wear your seatbelt you are asking for it.

what eveyone is saying is true, and yes we can agrue all day about those people that have survived w/o wearing seatbelts.

the bottom line : SEATBELTS SAVE LIVES.

but again, and many people have said it (or implied this) in this thread, i disagree with what Gasouthern just said- asking for what? because someone doesnt wear a setbelt they're asking for it?

does this mean that on the occasion i take off my seatbelt im saying "c'mon accident, lets see if i get hurt"? If anything, i drive safer when i take my seatbelt off because i know the risk- id never pass anyone/ take sharp curves at higher speeds/ talk on the phone when i have my seatbelt off, but yet when my belts on (98% time) im in the left lane of the NJ Turnpike doing 75 trying to get my ass home, taking the On ramps a little quick, etc. (btw: what i just described is not an out of control driver so please dont try to flame me for that)

No, you are not asking to get in an accident, but if you do you know that you have a damn good chance of getting badly injured. I think you dont get the big picture here, no matter how careful you drive there are always other cars, they are something that you cannot control. I dont care if you drive like a grandma around corners, that does not mean that the other person will as well and if they hit you, then you know what you are in for.

yea i figured that was going to come up. im a very aware driver. i avoid accidents left and right daily because idiots are all over the road. an "average" drive in my situation wouldve had close to 5 totalled cars already, some were almost unavoidable and would have been worse had i not had a lifted truck (so a grassy yard didnt hurt).

and dont think im against wearing seatbelts here, im 100% for it and dont enjoy taking my seatbelt off when need be.

i just felt bad for this guy thats all over the internet now with people getting a kick out of his misfortune. Instead of laughing at him and making fun of him for not wearing his seatbelt- lets learn a lesson from it and hopefully someome that see's that will think and put on their seatbelt the next time they get in their car and it may save their life- hence he didnt die in vain.

If someone chooses NOT to use a seat belt they are NOT asking for an accident to occur. They are Gambling that an accident won't occur, and some gamble that even if an accident occurs they won't get hurt. That being said if you are going to gamble you better be on the winning side because you could lose your life. Therefore when the guy in in the video had his accident he chose not to wear a seat belt (or removed it from being uncomfortable). In any case he lost. Therefore he was "Accepting" the consequences of his actions by not wearing his belt.

this entire discusion makes me wonder a bit... I'm a thinker, you know...

Lots of times people don't realize how fragile life is. They don't even think that in one milisecond they can be dead due to their stupidity and negligence. They don't take into account the ones they are going to leave behind and who depend on them at the moment. We have dreams, lots of dreams and never really care enough to make sure we have ample time to fulfill our dreams.

all we have to do is use our brains and make sure we do everything possible to stay safe. I know that unthinkable can happen... but at least we have the ability to limit it to the minimum...

stay safe!

I for one do not get a kick at all out of this video, I think it is particularly disturbing and sad. It just goes to show what can and probably will happen if you dont buckle up.

First off I DID NOT POST THIS FOR PEOPLE TO LAUGH AT!!! If you're laughing at it, you ought to have your ass kicked!! :fire: I guess when it's your turn to have a wreck, you won't mind if we laugh at you in the hospital. I posted this to show those of you who might not wear their seat belt ALL THE TIME what can happen when you don't wear it. It only takes a fraction of a second to wreck a vehicle. You may be the worlds safest and best driver, but you still can't stop the drunk idiot from running through a blind intersection at 70 mph......

WEAR YOUR SEATBELT AT ALL TIMES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I made a comment about something being comedy, but that was the anti-ricer video where the guy was riding on the roof of his truck and jumped off right before it hit a pole.

Automatic seatbelts aren't fool proof either though, if you don't buckle the lap belt and you're in an accident you run the risk of being decapitated. The was a student/old neighbor who was decapitated in an accident when not wearing the lap belt.



poor guy

I didnt mean to start any controversy here. I just didnt want this thread going in the direction i saw it (with jokes and naive remarks). My point was to bring this back to the exact reason JDraper started this thread:
Originally posted by sk1er17
Instead of laughing at him and making fun of him for not wearing his seatbelt- lets learn a lesson from it and hopefully someome that see's that will think and put on their seatbelt the next time they get in their car and it may save their life- hence he didnt die in vain.

seatbelt is not the only problem... just yesterday, I was driving and just before an intersection light turned yellow so I braked... the guy from behind me pulled up on the right shoulder, accelerated and went through the intersection while the light was already red!!!

talking about insane...

not too long ago a man was killed while doing exactly the same thing at an intersection near my house... lost control going past stopping cars and hit a semi head on...

insane... like an extra minute or two matters.


Is it just me or in the picture above does it look like the seatbelt is ancored under the headrest?:eek: :rolleyes:

I definately believe in seatbelts. About 2 weeks ago, I slid in a slushy spot, merging onto the highway near my house. The roads were clear and I was only going about 50 when the back end kicked around ( i don't have a posi). I tried to correct but things happened too quickly. After doing a 180 and sliding across 3 lanes of traffic, I ended up in the grassy median, on my passenger side. I escaped with no injuries because I had my seat belt on. If not for that, I would have gone to the hospital for sure.

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seat belt ancored under he head rest is typical for people that don't want to get caught not wearing one... it looks like they wear it.

For instance here in Illinois cops can pull you over for not wearing your seatbelt... and ticket.

like I care... I always wear mine.
