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Winch Bumper (About to buy)

Cool, can't wait to see it. I still need to finish off my tube skid plate and winch bumper. It's on but not finished.

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Cool, can't wait to see it. I still need to finish off my tube skid plate and winch bumper. It's on but not finished.

You got a winch for that bad boy? I have an 8k pounder waiting for mine, picked it up for $100 at a garage sale, new in box. It's a harbor freight winch but from what I have read it will do the job. I plan on buying some synthetic rope for it at some point.

No, not yet. I wanted to buy the 9k Warn winch that was on the bumper when I bought it but didn't have the money at the time and now the guy doesn't want to sell it. It sucks because the winch is made for the bumper.

I think I'll pick up a 12k Bandlands from HF. I want one that big because I paln on doing a SAS, SOA, sliders, exxo skeleton, rear steel bumper (hopefully before the snow flies), fuel tank skid plate, etc... It's gonna be a heavy beast when I'm done with it. LOL.

It has arrived!

I will paint it this weekend, anyone have any tips on what paint to use? I was just going to buy flat black rustoleum and lay down a couple of coats on it.

Ill be watching this one.

Damn it! I guess I wont even be able to paint it, Isaac is looking like it's going to cause rain all weekend. I also wanted to replaced my compressed air tank and I guess I won't be able to do that either. :mad:

Primer and first coat of paint on.


Looks good man, you going to build a skid plate for it to protect the rad, steering, etc...?

Looks good man, you going to build a skid plate for it to protect the rad, steering, etc...?

That is in the plans eventually yes. The bumper has holes for no lift and holes for 2" body lift. I'm hoping I can use the no lift holes so I can have the bumper low as possible to help protect the radiator a bit. Plan is to mount it next weekend, can't wait to get it on my rig.

Yeah, I'd mount it as low or even with the frame as possible for protection, strength especially when using a winch.
