WINDROCK (TN) in feb. | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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WINDROCK (TN) in feb.


Elite Explorer
January 20, 2002
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City, State
Year, Model & Trim Level
2001 Sport Trac 4wd
Lets try to pick a date in Feb. and try to get some Explorers to Windrock. I want to see more than jeeps on a trail ride at Windrock!
They have mild to wild and we can break it up if we have enough ride along.

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I'm pretty good for any Saturday in Feb. as of now. I too would like to see the ratio of Jeeps cut down. I'm wanting a big group picture of ploders.

Where at in tenn is this and what weekend, I might make a lil road trip, is this place mostly rocks stuff or mudd or both?

Yeah i'd like to know where it is too.

30 minutes north west of Knoxville. On the edge of a small town called Oliver Springs. Easy to get to, $15 a day, Some rocks and mud. Good trails that have creek crossings, mud holes and rocky spots. Some pics of our previous runs can be seen @ look for anything that has to do with Windrock.

Saturday the 3rd or the 19th are my best shots, have to work the 12th plus that is close to Valentines.

I can probably make it, Im pretty sure it is still 10 dollars a day isnt it?Lets do it towards the end of feb.


Last runs ratio :p

It went up to $15 a day or $80 a year. I can't see your last post, whats it mean?

I'am probably in for this run, let me know when the dates are set in stone ;)

Do we want to set the 19th for an all day run and those that can could wheel on Friday or Sunday? They have a campground near the main entrance and many hotels in Oak Ridge 15 minutes away.

I'm down for whatever weekend isnt mardis gras, never can remember the damn date in feb for that celebration :confused: Me personally will probably leave friday afternoon and stay the weekend

yeah id be up for something in the mid feb range... doing a little work to my truck right now...

Have we picked a date yet? :D

Mardi gras is Feb 8th, I vote for Feb. 19th to be the date. Let's out number the jeepers this time!!!!

I guess that works, Id like to camp and wheel for 2 days if anyone is up for it. Hopefully i will have enough money and my truck will be ready,


Yeah I'm most likely down for this one two (19th), hopefully I'll have the 35's by then :D I might camp out too, will probably leave friday afternoon, will have a few more people with me but just my x.

So thats 5 or 6, N2FORD, Goatman, Fordbeast98, ExplorerJimbo and ExplorerSportNu. Possible on JoshC, hopefully more. Once we get a few more we may try to plan trails and how difficult each wants.

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I gotta be honest with u david, we need to do some more harder trails, THeir are alot more trails out there taht we havent even touched. Depending if im towing my truck or driving it, i will probably attempt to do mini-rattlerock, i havent really looked at it lately. You know the trail layouts better than i do. Lets find some trails like 16 to do. All of us have tow rope and i now have a winch, i beleve the group can start of on some easier trails and got to some more wilder ones. Your the boss though :D

Matt :roll:
