Xtreme 4x4 first gen ex | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Xtreme 4x4 first gen ex


Well-Known Member
July 8, 2008
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City, State
Sanford, NC
Year, Model & Trim Level
1991 XLT stock
WHY HASNT THERE EVER BEEN A FIRST GEN EX ON XTREME 4X4? Does this disapoint any one else besides me? I'd even be happy with a ford 4x4 with TTB.

What about everybody else?

Should we all request as a group to show and build-up a first gen ex on XTREME 4X4?

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I think on Extreme 4x4 the very first vehicle they did was a long travel solid axle ranger based vehicle, thats a pretty good start!

Send them a message via their website, point them here and see if you can get some interest!

its cause spike tv is chevy lovers. an even tho who are on there saying they ford lovers are really closet chevy lovers.
so i doubt youll ever see a real ford build up on spike tv

i requested to add Ian as a friend and put our websie in the comments and a private message.

I think on Extreme 4x4 the very first vehicle they did was a long travel solid axle ranger based vehicle, thats a pretty good start!

Send them a message via their website, point them here and see if you can get some interest!

You are right, I remember seeing a standard cab ranger that they grafted an extended cab on too.

its cause spike tv is chevy lovers. an even tho who are on there saying they ford lovers are really closet chevy lovers.
so i doubt youll ever see a real ford build up on spike tv

What about the f150 trophy truck, or the at least 3 Mustangs that have been on Horse Power, or the early bronco that Stacy did before he left trucks, or the green late model F350 with air ride on Extreme 4X4, or the F150Lightning on horse power?

very true, but what im saying is i have never seen a first gen explorer or a ranger in the same year or camparible generation.

I thought the perfect project for an explorer would have been for the vehicle that the camera men drive and carry all their equipment, but they chose a nissan pathfinder instead. I still don't think they've ever begun work on it, at least that i can remember.

I did send them an e-mail once. Quite lengthy and informative if I'm not mistaken. I never got a response or anything.

cameraman pathfinder has been built and done, rebuilt engine, custom camera mounts, lift kit, big tires, etc its working and working well from the looks if it!

But pathfinders are SLOW LOL

cameraman pathfinder has been built and done, rebuilt engine, custom camera mounts, lift kit, big tires, etc its working and working well from the looks if it!

But pathfinders are SLOW LOL

I had no idea. I guess i missed a few episodes.

Yeah I think I remember seeing them build a 95 Ranger on there.

I think alot has to do with sponsors and availability of aftermarket upgrades to these vehicles.
They do a pretty darn good job of variety of makes and models and if you notice, they spend the right amount of project time on these vehicles as people would in reality. Obviously, jeeps being the predominant vehicle of choice. They even did the S10 build although it was a buggy (truggy).
I would love to see an explorer build more than anybody. Will it happen? It would be very fitting in their schedule to do something like that soon as they're trying to keep theit current projects budget minded and realistic for the average Joe. Most people aren't taking brand new vehicles and doing major mods, it's the older beat up vehicles that people tend to put money into to "improve" upon.

OK Spike, I nominate the Gen 1 Explorer for a SAS, roll cage, engine swap and nice big meats!

I have often thought about this! I have never seen a modified explorer of any kind on TV or in a magazine!

I have often thought about this! I have never seen a modified explorer of any kind on TV or in a magazine!
The owner of this site's '93 was on the cover of Off-Road Mag.

Then there was that '91 on Overhaulin'

There have been a few others in magazines. Not all main articles or off-road explorers, but they're there.


4bt engine swap, with a 3/4ton trans

i think alot has to do with sponsors and availability of aftermarket upgrades to these vehicles.
They do a pretty darn good job of variety of makes and models and if you notice, they spend the right amount of project time on these vehicles as people would in reality. Obviously, jeeps being the predominant vehicle of choice. They even did the s10 build although it was a buggy (truggy).
I would love to see an explorer build more than anybody. Will it happen? It would be very fitting in their schedule to do something like that soon as they're trying to keep theit current projects budget minded and realistic for the average joe. Most people aren't taking brand new vehicles and doing major mods, it's the older beat up vehicles that people tend to put money into to "improve" upon.

ok spike, i nominate the gen 1 explorer for a sas, roll cage, engine swap and nice big meats!

The Pathfinder (Project "Viewfinder") also got portal axles. I would have loved to see those axles go under an Explorer.

Dude i agree full portal axles would be awsome on an Ex.

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dont forget about jesse james', he made one into a garbage truck i believe :D
