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What Ive been up to.


Explorer Addict
February 15, 2005
Reaction score
City, State
Charlotte, NC (Home) / Raleigh, NC (School)
Year, Model & Trim Level
'95 XLT
Well I havent been around here much in a while and figured i would check back in.

As some of you know I stopped wheeling my explorer over a year ago bc it wasnt keeping up with my wheeling habits. Went out and bought a yota and started building.

Heres where Im at now:





As you can see in my sig, its locked front and rear, 4.7 Marlin case (soon to be duals), propane, waiting on longfields and some 39.5s.

See ya on the trails.

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Is your Explorer running completely on propane? If so, how did you perform the conversion? Maybe this should be in the hybrid section of this forum. I was experimenting with propane a while ago, but the stock computer isn't calibrated to run on it. It didn't run properly, and had to start on gasoline first.

?? My explorer doesnt run on propane. The yota does. Can you not see the pics?

sweet, I cant wait till I go 'pane with the 302.

But my next build is defiantly a yota.

What kind of run time do you get with dual tanks?

Yea, it runs completely off the propane.

With it being a 4cyl and the crawl gears make it so i rarely (if ever) have to get on the gas. It idles all day long and i dont make a dent in my fuel supply. The one trip that I had to get on it alot, I used about 1/2-2/3 tank per average wheeling day.

The 302 will probably run about a tank a day if you arent geared and have to get on it.

By the way, the tanks dont actually sit there, they lay down flat behind the cab. I just hadnt redone the crossmember for them in those pics. The tubework hasnt been 100% finished yet, ive still got to tie in my sliders (why the box is uncapped on the frame) and build the floor to the "bed"

Is the propane fed through a carbureted set up or with fuel injection rails? Could you do a write up on how you converted it. I think there is a company called Impco which does this kind of stuff outside of the US.

when you built the cage through the rear of the cab, did you butt 2 pieces of tube up and weld them to the the sheetmetal or actually cut a hole and run a solid piece through?

I got my setup from GotPropane.com.

Hes a vendor over on Pirate. IMPCO makes my propane mixer (which basically replaces the stock carb (22R) with the Mixer setup.

As for the cage, It is a solid piece that runs through the cab. The cage would lose alot of its structural strength if it didnt.

Is the propane fed through a carbureted set up or with fuel injection rails? Could you do a write up on how you converted it. I think there is a company called Impco which does this kind of stuff outside of the US.

search on pirate 4x4, there are tons of writeups on propane for just about any carb'ed engine imaginable

Not only is it a 'rice burner' ,it cooks it via propane.......hahaha :)

fuel injection is harder, can be done however. They have writeups on that too, check out got-propane.com for more info

Thats because propane injection is 1) hard to make legal (lots of hoops to jump through depending on your state) and 2) alot more expensive and hard to make.

Figured I would update this.

Ive done a bit more work on my rig.

Longfields are in, doors are obviously gone (there are tubes that go from my main hoop down in through the door opening and into the interior cage which you can see the body cut away for on the side, they just arent welded in yet.), the sliders are done (I cut the rocker out and welded the slider in to not loose any clearance.), seats and 5 point harnesses put in.




Done. Shakedown run:




The tow setup (mine and my roomates rigs):


Running explorer leaves in the rear...so ive still got PART explorer right? ;)

They work great and keep the 38s from wrapping as much as the toyota rears did. The yota rears were ok with the 36s, but the weight difference (and traction) between the balder iroks and these new TSLs was too much.

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Another update.

New tires, flat belly, custom dash.

First flop of several that day....lol



