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'Fun Hump Day eBay/craigslist Auctions'

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There called Centurions.

NO, Centurion is the company that did the conversion. They are better known for their work on conversion vans.

Man, that RancheroStar is pretty cool! I like it! :thumbsup:

Found this while searching on Craigslist for work... posted under TRANSPORTATION jobs: Wants someone to drive to California from NC with a big massage chair in their truck for only $100... WTF are you smoking? :thumbdwn:



This is a 2.5 INCH HIGH FLOW OFFROAD X pipe for Ford Mustang.

This is incredible peese of HOTROD AWESOMENESS
My car picked up over 80 hp when I uncorked these badboy cutouts.
I had to take this off, because I couldnt afford to keep putting rear bumpers on my ride.

Freakin poppin wheelies all over town.

If your not a HIGH HORSEPOWER TYPE guy.. dont bother buying this...
Its not for low hp posers.

All this can be yours.... just $49.99
Thats just 50 cents a horspower! So much value.

Nawz cant even touch that !!

Just bolt it on and.......... PAH!!!!!! AWESOME WILL HAPPEN.

Pipe wrench not included.


This is a 2.5 INCH HIGH FLOW OFFROAD X pipe for Ford Mustang.

This is incredible peese of HOTROD AWESOMENESS
My car picked up over 80 hp when I uncorked these badboy cutouts.
I had to take this off, because I couldnt afford to keep putting rear bumpers on my ride.

Freakin poppin wheelies all over town.

If your not a HIGH HORSEPOWER TYPE guy.. dont bother buying this...
Its not for low hp posers.

All this can be yours.... just $49.99
Thats just 50 cents a horspower! So much value.

Nawz cant even touch that !!

Just bolt it on and.......... PAH!!!!!! AWESOME WILL HAPPEN.

Pipe wrench not included.
Getting ideas and welding tips for your caged Explorer IZ?? :D


El Camino truck for sale!



selling my scion tc with lots of mods...the car was turbo but took it off and selling it trying to get a different car
if you want to buy the car stock i will put all the stock parts back on..the car has about 62,000 miles on. the car is a manaul 5 speed not an auto

• DZ lowing springs
• megan strut bar
• rear sturt bar
• 2.5 s-pipe
• Tsudo mid pipes
• 4-1 header
• 10000k HID
• AEM sticker
• greddy sticker

• projector with halo and LED
• Scion tC P-1 lip
• smoke tail lights
superman emblem
• yellow VRD fog lights
• black out stock rims with red lip

if you want the rims sportmax xxr 18x7.5 with falken tires two with about 80% and other with 90% added $1000 to the $9500 so total $10500
if interested call Xou

I guess some people do think stickers are mods?? And..why would you take off the turbo??

:D:D gee, all the shiny surfaces on them there stickers means less wind resistance Tim, maybe a few of them would trim a few 10th's off the quarter mile time,,,:D:D

the back seat is good for kids, but has beer and urine stains

Now that I think of it, this whole thing is worth a copy and paste. :D

1985 Ford Bronco for sale

Here are the specs if your interested:

-217,292 KMs
-transmission is in good shape, 5th gear and reverse work but the rest don't
-the V6 engine was replaced with a V8, gas mileage is pretty good - i got about 12 mpg highway the other day but that was with premium
-power windows but you have to turn a crank to roll them down
-tape player - it does play but there is a def leppard tape jammed in there and it won't come out. great for def leppard fans!
-i am a smoker so you can smell it in the car, but ill throw in an air-freshener for an extra 10 bucks
-the air conditioning does not work anymore, but it used to and was really cold.
-heat works if you drive the car for a while
-the frame is bent due to an accident with a tractor trailer, but as long as you don't drive over 40 km/hr you shouldn't have any problems
-it can seat five which is good for kids, but the back seat has beer and urine stains. they have been professionally treated with windex
-the rear window is missing, but has been repaired with saran wrap
-you will need to have some minor repairs done: new brakes, the rear axle is missing, needs a new radiator and coolant system. i spoke to my friend who knows a lot about cars and he said it shouldn't cost more than a few bucks.

I'm asking for $8,000 but am willing to negotiate.

Get back to me if you're interested.

"will throw in an air freshener for $10 extra"! :D

...I thought this was to funny to wait till humpday...:bsnicker:

"(Wanted) Listen to His Voice ..........Tell Me Who He Is? "

..NSFW, language...The guy added this link to youtube with recording of the voice...:D


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9219 s10 SS - $1200 (plumcity)

looks like **** runs grat manual all SS sticers removed looks stock runs grat
will trade for barret 50 cal or trampoline

call 1715-279-2127

Um....soo..I'm guessing it is a 92? And wants to trade for a (very) expensive gun, or a trampoline, which you can usually find for free or very cheap??

Something isn't right in this guys head..tempting to call him up.. "yeah, I got a 50 cal for your ****ty truck, paid $8,100 for it last year, but I feel they are worth the same now"
