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Gold Rush show. im hooked.

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We could relate, i love those moments where you have to find a solution in a pinch. Even though their solution was made using some sound engineering know-how, i like our crazy on the spot fixes either on the flight line or the front line. ( or the garage )

"Make it happen"

The richest pay gravel in all of Alaska is always going to be about 1 foot off the end of Todd's sluice box.

I have been into it since the start. They sure make alot of stupid decisions and moron moves. The only smart move Todd has made in 2 years is to have Dave Turrin come up there. I think Todd is the 2nd biggest idot on the planet, only surpassed by his father. Their stupid decisions continue on this year. Like having Dave and Greg spend 2 weeks moving dirt on Todd's claim when he won't even have a wash plant for 3-4 weeks, when they could have had Dave's claim up running and producing gold. (disclaimer) I haven't watched this weekends show yet.
That jerk Dakota Fred deserved to get his ass kicked for stealing all their glory hole work they put in. Though the Klondike is a better place for them. I was pissed that when he showed up, they just packed up and left. They didn't do a cleanup of all that dirt they had run, and just left behind a sluice full of gold for Fred and his son.
Remember last year when their wash plant wasn't working right. It filled up with dirt and untold amounts of gold washed across it and off the end of the sluice. I got so tired of hearing those idiots gripeing and complaining about all that gold that washed off the end of the sluice box and got away. :crazy: Apparently not a one of them had the braincells to get one of the loaders and scoop up all that gravel and run it again.:banghead: I have enjoyed the shows and wouldn't miss it, tho the comedy of errors is getting old. Time to hit up the dvr and watch this weeks show.

Be sure to let us know what you think about the latest episode. Only 5 days until a new episode. :bounce:

Be sure to let us know what you think about the latest episode. Only 5 days until a new episode. :bounce:

Yeah it's hard to wait a whole week for them. I agree with everybody that Parker is a great kid with a bright future. It looks like he is off to a good start for the year.
1st off Todd shoots himself in the foot again. I bet he didn't even do a cleanout before he tore down and drug off the washplant. I like Thurber and he seems to be a great guy, but really is he that stupid? A quote from him at the start of the show, "This is at the end of the sluice, if it's not in the sluice it's gone for ever". Oh yeah, it's not like the sluice emptys into a hugh rushing river to wash it away. It is all laying there right in front of their face and they are too dumb to bend over and pick it up.
Cant wait till next week, to see how long Todd sits around and complains and does nothing. Either put the old washplant back together add run dirt or get to clearing more ground and stockpiling more pay dirt. He should also send half the crew down to help Dave.

Did anyone watch the winter version ice diving in Nome? They really have some ding-a-lings in that show.

It is a comedy of errors. That's one of the reasons I watch it, along with waiting to see who hits the mother lode!

I also watch Bering Sea Gold. Yeah, there are a bunch on nut bags on that one. :p:
