4x4 not working Explorer v8 2006 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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4x4 not working Explorer v8 2006

December 15, 2018
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Year, Model & Trim Level
Ford Explorer2006 4.6L V8
Hello everyone,
I recently have a problem with my 4x4 system as it doesn’t engage. Both the lights for 4H and 4L works but doesn’t engage front wheel.
I was wondering if anyone has similar problem and what might be causing me this issue.

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So what is the test you are doing to see if it engages the front wheels?

There's never an audible or seat-pants "feel" for when 4x4 comes on in my 2006 XLT. But it works and traction improves.

So what is the test you are doing to see if it engages the front wheels?
I stuck in sand and tried 4H and 4L with and without traction control but the front wheels doesn’t move at all. Also i send to mechanic but they want to keep the car one full day to check everything. That’s why i wanted to know what might be the problem before they will charge for something that can’t be. I don’t trust them a lot.

do you get the part time light on the dash when you switch to 4 high, and the low light on the dash when you switch to 4 low? I suspect the issue is in the actuator that actualy shifts the transfer case is just not working.

do you get the part time light on the dash when you switch to 4 high, and the low light on the dash when you switch to 4 low? I suspect the issue is in the actuator that actualy shifts the transfer case is just not working.
Thanks for replying. Actually i get both the lights as i told before they appear on the dash and stayed there. Nothing blinks.
Does the actuator come separate part if yes please help with a link or it is the transfer case itself?

So I cant say with 100% certainty on the explorer transfer case, but in every transfer case I know for sure about (mostly jeep) when in 4 low, the transfer case is mechanically locked front to rear, so if you were actually in 4 low, at least one front and one rear tire would spin. I cant imagine this borg warner 4412 in the gen 4 explorer is any different, (but then, ford has shocked me before with silly stuff), whcih leads me to belive its the actuator, which would be this part. https://www.amazon.com/DORMAN-600-925-Transfer-Case-Motor/dp/B00GHT4IOM/ref=sr_1_9?s=automotive&ie=UTF8&qid=1545163453&vehicle=2010-54-663-656--9-6-8-7492--1-1-1777-261-1-0&sr=1-9&ymm=2010:ford:explorer

Of course, this is just my opinion based on my understanding of whats going on. of course it could be a few other things. If this is indeed the problem, its an easy fix you can do yourself, as this part is outside the transfer case.... If I remember, I will try to see if I can hear mine actuating when I get home this evening. I know my 4x4 is working, so if I can hear mine and you cant hear yours, that would tell for sure, but Im not sure it will actuate without the truck running (which would be the only way you could hear it) I will try to remember to check tonight.

ok so I went out at breaktime and checked.
So, with the key in the "run" position, but the engine not running, make sure hvac is off and obviously radio off...
Pressing 4x4 high doesn't make any sort of sound, just the light in the dash comes on.
With the transmission in neutral, pressing 4x4 low, does make a sound. You get a click like a relay from the area of the button, and then you can faintly hear the actuator working, like a motor running, for between 2 and 3 seconds. Then again when pushing the 4x4 auto button, the relay clicks in the dash and you can faintly hear the actuator running for a couple seconds....
If you are in a noisy area with trafic sounds, you probably wont be able to hear it.

The lack of any type of sound when I hit 4x4 high leads me to believe that the transfer case is not mechanically locked, but rather electronically via a clutch inside the transfer case, so that adds another possible point of failure. Of course, this is just an assumption....

This at least can help you narrow down the issue. If when switching to 4 low (make sure ignition is on "run" and transmission is in neutral) you get the click from the dash, but no motor running sound from underneath the truck, the problem is the actuator on the transfer case. If you dont get a click from the dash, the problem is probably from the module int the dash. If you hear both the click and the motor running, then the problem is probably the coupler inside the transfer case, which would be significantly more expensive especially if you have a shop do it.

ok so I went out at breaktime and checked.
So, with the key in the "run" position, but the engine not running, make sure hvac is off and obviously radio off...
Pressing 4x4 high doesn't make any sort of sound, just the light in the dash comes on.
With the transmission in neutral, pressing 4x4 low, does make a sound. You get a click like a relay from the area of the button, and then you can faintly hear the actuator working, like a motor running, for between 2 and 3 seconds. Then again when pushing the 4x4 auto button, the relay clicks in the dash and you can faintly hear the actuator running for a couple seconds....
If you are in a noisy area with trafic sounds, you probably wont be able to hear it.

The lack of any type of sound when I hit 4x4 high leads me to believe that the transfer case is not mechanically locked, but rather electronically via a clutch inside the transfer case, so that adds another possible point of failure. Of course, this is just an assumption....

This at least can help you narrow down the issue. If when switching to 4 low (make sure ignition is on "run" and transmission is in neutral) you get the click from the dash, but no motor running sound from underneath the truck, the problem is the actuator on the transfer case. If you dont get a click from the dash, the problem is probably from the module int the dash. If you hear both the click and the motor running, then the problem is probably the coupler inside the transfer case, which would be significantly more expensive especially if you have a shop do it.

Thank you for all the information.
I did a test like u said and in 4 high i don’t hear any click but i 4 low i hear a click and the actuator motor engaging for 2-3 seconds. Also same when presing from 4 low to 4 high or auto.
I guess should be some other problem inside but at least thanks to your information i know that is not control case or control relay.
Also i will try to make another test by lifting the car and trying if works.
I will update you by end of the week.

I will say it takes a moment for the traction control to engage when you lose traction. I have not run mine in sand, but when off road going through ditches and such at an angle, the truck will pause for a moment when the one front and opposite rear tire lose traction and spin in the air, but if I keep my foot on the pedal, it will engage and I will move forward again. When you were stuck in the sand, how long did you keep your foot on the gas waiting for traction control to engage?

I will say it takes a moment for the traction control to engage when you lose traction. I have not run mine in sand, but when off road going through ditches and such at an angle, the truck will pause for a moment when the one front and opposite rear tire lose traction and spin in the air, but if I keep my foot on the pedal, it will engage and I will move forward again. When you were stuck in the sand, how long did you keep your foot on the gas waiting for traction control to engage?
Didn’t keep it for long actually i can say around 10 seconds but in the sand i kept the traction control totally off otherwise i will stuck all the time. One more thing i have a trouble code P0446 evaporative emissions system. Do u think this might affect also?
