koeo codes | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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koeo codes

  1. B

    KOEO/CM - KOER codes - what to do next?

    So I was driving home from work a few days ago in my '93 4WD Explorer XLT and halfway home it just started running really rough, whether it was at idle or at 50 mph. Smoothed out some when accelerating to 50, but once there... rough. I am somewhat mechanically inclined, but no expert. (I...
  2. C

    94 Explorer XLT V6 Doesn't Start: KOEO Codes

    Hi: Thank you in advance for your help. My 94 Explorer stalled in a trafic light and it didn't want to start ever again. When I try to start I hear a click but the starter doesn't do anything. I have no budget to bring it to a shop (no wonder), but I'm O.K. with mechanical stuff so I'll...