Please help!! Clunking in 4WD... very worried!! | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Please help!! Clunking in 4WD... very worried!!


Well-Known Member
September 18, 2002
Reaction score
City, State
Bartlett, IL (currently in Bloomington for school)
Year, Model & Trim Level
'95 XLT
Okay I looked through all the clunking noise threads here and couldn't find what I was looking for.....

Here's what happened. I was out tonight trying to take pictures of my stock headlight bulbs and how much they shine so I could take before and after pics (got the HID lights today!).... the pictures weren't the problem. I went to turn around on this counrty road I was on (needed it to be real dark) and my rear end went off the edge down the ditch. I was at a good 35 to 45 degree angle, and I figured "Ok I'll just put her in 4WD and get myself out, no prob, that's what I bought this for!" so I put it in 4WD Auto (this is a '95 XLT) and I put my foot on the brake to hold myself while I slowly pushed the gas, and there was ALL sorts of clunking and jerking and it really scared me. I thought maybe I was stupid and should have put it in 4WD Low, so I turned around, put myself in the same position, and put it in 4WD Low (by putting the truck in neutral with my foot on the brake) and then putting it back in gear. Same clunking and jerking, and the clunks were loud!! Can anyone tell me what's up please I'm worried about it...... thanks guys...

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Seems normal to me. Some of the noises mine makes really make me cringe. It' the POS transfercase I think. But there's probably nothing wrong.

i second that... in low range, the truck tries really hard to make all 4 tires get equal amounts of power, which really isnt possible depending on the terrains...... basically, its one axleshaft or driveline component either lagging behind the others or trying to catch up....

Well I figured I'd try engaging everything again to make sure it works still..... so I took it out, and 4WD Auto works just fine (engaged it at a light, and accelerated down the road a bit) and then found an empty parking lot, stopped, put my foot on the brake, put it into 4WD Low, and I heard everything click and lightly clunk into place, drove for 15-20 feet, and it was fine.

I read over a few more posts, and when I was trying to climb out of this place, I DID have my wheels turned, which might also have contributed to it....

If anyone has anything else to add, all the info possible would make me feel even better..... thanks Jason_25 and jimabena74 for your help. Makes me feel a lot better..... thanks!


Mine also makes scary noises if you turn sharp with 4wd engaged. This is normal.

could it have been wheel hop?

Thanks for the replies guys....

I don't think it was wheel hop, cause my front tires were on dry pavement, and the back were down the side..... but my wheels were turned while I was trying to climb out of that spot, and after reading all the posts about not turning your wheels on dry pavement in 4WD, I think that might have been it.....

Thanks again guys, makes me feel better.... :D

it could've been the chain in the t-case slipping, since it's not gear driven.

the reason you dont run your 4x4 on dry pavement is because since your front and rear wheels are locked together if they dont turn at the same rate a lot of torque could build up in your drivetrain and break something. if your rear wheels didnt have great traction that then that would not be a problem and it still doesnt explain the problem your having.
