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new box

hey drew it looks good man.

i think his truck is the FTW MN Chapter project right now i am not sure how many member have tossed in a little help hear and there..

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good lord! Too much is never enough :) Nice work.

What do you plan to make the rear of the box look like? got any pics of the screens or the rest of your X?

i'll snap some pictures of the stuff i'm building for the back of the box today.

the rest of the x is sort of a mess at the moment. it will definitely be laid out all the way on its new rims friday. It may not be capable of airing up as well, but i'll snap some pics of it layed out.

the airbags are in big part to handle the weight

yes, i'm getting a ton of help these days. too much for me ot do, and a lot of it isnt what i'm good at.

pictures of the stuff thats going on in the back

its a 23" gateway widescreen lcd

5.25" clarion pro audio components

dxz555mp clarion hu

and the faux speaker grilles with the plexi in them are going to provide ambient green neon lighting behind the truck when i open up the back at night. will have a 42" neon tube inside hatch to light em up good.


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Lookin' good man. Keep it up. I can't wait to see it "done."


btw....I live the rims on my 1st gen!


crazy... i wish i had the space to do that kind of work

Can you hear anymore :D. I think that looks awsome!

yeah everything he builds is freakin crazy!

Keep up the great work expo. Cant wait to see the finish project

you're crazy could put "pimp my ride" to shame lol.

as for space- I have a one car garage man. i have to clean it out every night to park in it.

(well unless i'm working at a friends- which i've been doing quite a bit recently)

thanks for the compliments guys. I need to get updated pictures of everything

Nice work expo. Looks really good :thumbsup: :cool:
