I screwed up & bought Sensa-Trac shocks | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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I screwed up & bought Sensa-Trac shocks


Well-Known Member
January 12, 2003
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'96 XLT 2wd
I got a '96 XLT 2wd with 45K miles on it. The "X" runs perfect but thought it's time for new shocks as the back was starting to get just a little bouncy but not that bad. After getting some input from the forum I bought Monroe Sensa-Trac shocks 'cuz I want to keep my nice, soft, plush ride (0% off road). I knew something was wrong when I was installing the rear shocks as I could barely compress the damn things. Anyway, I finally got them on and went after the front ones. The stock front shock is like a shortened shock with an extension to the lower arm...normal from what I gather. When I took the new shock out of the box it was like a regular shock top to bottom, very strange. Same as the rear, I had to struggle to compress it to get it in. After I got them in, and changed my underwear, I took it around the block for a spin. Geez, it's like I have 80 psi in my tires as every bump, ripple, manhole cover, everything seems to shake the whole truck. I thought Sensa-Tracs were suppose to be smooth riding with their, so called, "comfort groove". I ran it for about a month and I said screw this, took them off and put the stock shocks back on. I'm ready to s**t-can these shocks and get something else. Does anybody have KYB GR-2 shocks installed on their "street" Explorer? How does it ride on city streets? Bilsteins are out of the question as funds are limited now as I blew it on sh**y shocks the first time.

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I said.."it's like I have 80PSI in my tires", not that I do. Running Bridgestone Alenza 235/75-15 @ 33psi. Tried dropping it down to 30psi but hardly any difference..still hard riding.

Try to take them back to trade for something else.

Almost afraid to say, but...

I got a '96 XLT 2wd with 45K miles on it. The "X" runs perfect but thought it's time for new shocks as the back was starting to get just a little bouncy but not that bad. After getting some input from the forum I bought Monroe Sensa-Trac shocks 'cuz I want to keep my nice, soft, plush ride (0% off road). I knew something was wrong when I was installing the rear shocks as I could barely compress the damn things. Anyway, I finally got them on and went after the front ones. The stock front shock is like a shortened shock with an extension to the lower arm...normal from what I gather. When I took the new shock out of the box it was like a regular shock top to bottom, very strange. Same as the rear, I had to struggle to compress it to get it in. After I got them in, and changed my underwear, I took it around the block for a spin. Geez, it's like I have 80 psi in my tires as every bump, ripple, manhole cover, everything seems to shake the whole truck. I thought Sensa-Tracs were suppose to be smooth riding with their, so called, "comfort groove". I ran it for about a month and I said screw this, took them off and put the stock shocks back on. I'm ready to s**t-can these shocks and get something else. Does anybody have KYB GR-2 shocks installed on their "street" Explorer? How does it ride on city streets? Bilsteins are out of the question as funds are limited now as I blew it on sh**y shocks the first time.

I run KYB on both Exs... Sensa Tracs, I believe, are covered under warranty... you might be able to return them w/no questions asked. Now, if this information doesn't help, it ain't shi**y, it's your decisions that determine what products you use. :)

Thanks for all of your input. Now back to my original question....has anybody out there installed KYB GR-2 shocks on their "X"? I just need to know how the ride is over city streets, potholes, uneven pavement, etc. This info would be much appreciated.


01 Sport - KYB shocks
03 XLT - KYB struts

No complaints.


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For the record, don't worry about the lower shock body on your fronts... the ones you took off of there were made for the 4x4 to clear the front halfshafts. The fronts for the 2wd should be a 'conventional' looking shock like you got.

I never found the sensatracs to be over-damped... but I have a 4x4 too, so there's an extra 300 lbs of axle over my front end too. I'm ready to replace mine again... that'll be the third set of 'em in 100,000 miles.

I installed Monroe Reflexs on my 2wd 98, and they ride like a dream. I would recommend them to anyone.

I'm betting you didn't get the correct Sensatrac for your Explorer. Sears offers them with free installation. A good idea to take advantage of because of situations like this.

BTW, KYB is stiffer than Sensatrac!

I just put Sensa Tracs on my 99. May be the best shock for the money I've ever bought. Smooth riding as can be, but stiffens up nice on a corner. I HIGHLY recommend them. I'm not sure what you have, but it doesn't sound correct to me.

Oh...by the way...you should not have had to compress those shocks to install them. They come compressed and tied closed with a nylon strap. You install one half of the shock, cut the strap and guide the other half into place as it slowly extends. Did they come in a sealed box that way?
