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Transmission pan drop


Well-Known Member
March 20, 2012
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'03 Sport Trac XLT (RWD)
Hey all, I did a tranny service on the cricket(my aspeen green Trac) today. I just wanted to mention a tip for all of you the next time you do this. Check the valve body bolts once you remove the filter. There is 20 something of them. Torque to 7-9(well 8) pounds feet. They will most likely be loose. Mine needed another rotation or two with the torque wrench. YES, always use a torque wrench for pan bolts9.5#ft, filter bolt8#ft, and valve body bolts. In case you are wondering. 4.99 per quart Motorcraft Mercon V(orielys). Took almost 5 to refill. 35.42 for filter and 24.18 for gasket (cork like with metal spacers) Ford dealership. OUCH I know. Everywhere was out of the wix kit and when I'm ready to do some work on the truck I want to get it done. Most folks have this done at a shop. That is fine. It's not that much more. But every dollar helps and Iprobably dont need to tell most of you the satisfaction you get when you do this yourself and knowing it was done properly. Oh, and yes it was a cork gasket. These are fine. They have been around forever and always will be. I sure didnt like spending $24 on it though. But, it did come wrapped up and FLAT on cardboard. I bought 6 qts just in case. I will be turkey basting the power steering fluid just for the heck of it with the remainder. Take care

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turkey basting the power steering with the remainder??? i hope you dont plan to put the 6th quart of trans fluid into your power steering? if you do you can and probably will break your power steering system. power steering has its own fluid its clear and somewhere between the consistency of brake fluid and trans fluid. go to the auto store and find power steering fluid.

power steering fluid


i stand corrected... sorry im old school a bit. the trac is my first 00+ vehicle all vehicle prior to my trac used power steering fluid to include my 04 sunfire so i apoligize

Whoa! In the first pic you can see a side by side comparison of the old fluid and the new. When I first poured the fluid on the paper towel the old fluid was dark red. Now that it has dried you can really see the difference. Its been about 40k since the full flush. I will drop he pan again soon. No more fluches for me. But thats a whole nother thread.
Thank for your concern though dakota...and thank you for your service to our country!

your welcome, i love my job and im proud to serve. yeh and thanks for telling me how much i need for a pan drop im hitting 61K on mine so its coming due.
