shocks or struts 2002 explorer? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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shocks or struts 2002 explorer?


Active Member
July 10, 2008
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Year, Model & Trim Level
2002 4.0 4x4
What do I need to replace my rears? Some sites say shocks n some struts. They are coil oversomething.


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Buy the complete strut with coil. Save yourself the hassle of taking it all apart and reusing the coil just to have the coil break. You can buy just the shock portion, but if your keeping the vehicle, it wouldn't benefit you. Especially if those are OE.

the term strut refers to the coil and shock assembly.
coil - spring
shock - shock

what's the issue? coil broken or shocks leaking?
Some of us here buy the el-cheapo struttek and are happy with it.


I need to know whether to buy a strut or shock. Issue is rear shocks are really boucey now n unsafe. Thanks all.

You need a shock then.
Common issue with explorers are broken springs, so why just buy the strut assembly?
It's easier too since you don't need to compress the springs, no re-assembly and assembly.


I think you are missing the fact that they are one and the same. With the explorers, you can buy the shock, and simply swap it out. (Not that it's exactly simple to do) Or you can buy what's called a Quick Strut. The Quick Strut isn't exactly like car struts. All it is, is the shock and the spring packaged together. More money, but a lot quicker to install.
So, either you just replace the shock, and reuse your spring.
Or you replace both at once as a 'strut.'
Either way, the shock portion is the same.


It needs to have a spring seat and the proper upper design to allow for the upper spring retainer. Valving probably isn't right either.

Buy the Monroe Quick Strut assemblies or Struttek Strut assemblies for the 2002-2005 Ford Explorer model year. You can't go wrong that way. If you don't remove the springs yourself from the existing strut assemblies you have, it's going to cost as much if not more to have someone do it than if you just bought a new assembly with the new spring.

Besides, your model year is known for having broken springs in the rear, so might as well get the assemblies to replace the old springs, just to be sure.

awesome. Thank you for the info guys. Appreciate the quick replies.

Struttek site sold out on rears so monroes it is

The Monroe's are a bit more expensive. There are FCS Brand (Another Chinese brand like struttek) for sale for about the same price as the strutteks on eBay and on Amazon.

What can I say, I spend money on premium parts. Some jobs aren't worth repeating anytime soon. If you plan on keeping the vehicle, think of it as an investment. Cheap price on parts will always mean cheap parts.

What can I say, I spend money on premium parts. Some jobs aren't worth repeating anytime soon. If you plan on keeping the vehicle, think of it as an investment. Cheap price on parts will always mean cheap parts.

Agreed! I have only ever bought the cheapest parts when I am selling a vehicle and want it to pass safety.

I got the monroe ecomatics at pepboys online for 77.00.includes entire assembly.

Ok, thanks for the help. Got the Monroe ecomatic entire assemblies installed Saturday! What a huge difference. One thing for anyone doing this job, get yourself the 13mm ratcheting wrench! Spent 40 minutes messing with the 3 bolts on top on the passenger side. Got the wrench and other side took me 5 minutes. No joke. Hope the front are easier when I do them but not horrible I guess.
