2nd Gen Winter photo contest | Page 2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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2nd Gen Winter photo contest

Post number 4 has been selected as best answered.

My rig wasn’t running when we got our snow here in Washington sadly. But I’ve got some rainy Washington winter photos!

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Yes! I love it

I don’t need to be entered into the contest because I am already elite! But I will share a recent pic of our 2003 sport trac v8 5 speed 4wd in the woods

View attachment 449562

I really need to figure out a better side mirror solution for the 01-05 trac
Let me know if you find any nicer mirrors that fit the sport/sport trac. I’ve been sorta wanting some new ones myself but at the same time I’ve just been enjoying my stock ones by throwing some round blind spot mirrors in the lower corners.

Buddy I bought the truck from got into a number of accidents before I took her off his hands
bumper looks like it held up well though haha

Sure did its job, been hesitant to replace it knowing I'll smash it again mudding
winch bumper :D about the most durable thing i can think of haha but for a stocker these chromes are amazing

A bit late, but I just got my 1999 Sport project vehicle on the road. There's still some winter left here in Colorado.
