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  1. M

    1992 4WD trans problem?

    Thanks for the info, absent the possibility of something truly weird the consensus seems to be vacuum, vacuum, vacuum. So that's where I'll begin, along with a new alternator and battery, just because I don't trust the ones on there now. Will update as more data becomes available!
  2. M

    1992 4WD trans problem?

    OK, report from the field. Truck is in, um, interesting condition, cosmetically (it's baby pink!), but everything else looked ok. Alternator is bad, battery gauge was flicking around like a seismograph, rest of the gauges were steady. One of the nipples on the vacuum body (the round object...
  3. M

    1992 4WD trans problem?

    Thanks, that's one of the first things I thought of as well, but apparently the current owner has taken it to a couple of shadetree guys, who I presume thought of that too. Thanks for the pic, very helpful. Seems weird but I'm really hoping that the truck is behaving badly when I drive it...
  4. M

    1992 4WD trans problem?

    Certainly something to look at, but what's being described to me is a shaking, shuddering, stall-out, not a sudden dead engine. I'll be sure to listen for that whine, though. Thanks!
  5. M

    1992 4WD trans problem?

    Thanks, that makes more sense than anything else I've heard so far. I just don't fully understand why it's so regular, always under braking, and then that the restart clears the issue, if it's holding current it should hold current after the restart, unless the PCM resets at ignition...
  6. M

    1992 4WD trans problem?

    I'll check the lines where I can, but why would it only stall some of the time, and under braking? Vacuum reservoir should be full coming off of the throttle, and stall under throttle away from the line, before vac pressure builds, shouldn't it?
  7. M

    1992 4WD trans problem?

    Hi, all, newbie to the Explorer, just to establish my FMC bona-fides I do have a '96 4-banger Ranger XLT 5-speed since new, 225K on the odo, still ticking along just fine on the original clutch! I'm looking at a '92 Explorer tomorrow for the wife and kids, 4WD, has an intermittent trans...