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  1. D

    Diagram of serpentine belt

    Nevermind, even though this is the gen before mine, it looks like it's the same. Thanks.
  2. D

    Diagram of serpentine belt

    Can you post this on here please? I don't think I'm the only one that will/has searched for a belt diagram. Tried google and found no 04 v6 belt diagrams. Sorry to wake an old thread, but search is better than repetitive questions, right?! ;)
  3. D

    weird idle sound...vid inside...normal?

    I was never doubting you, I was just saying I didn't really need to use a stethoscope/screwdriver because I could hear it and pinpoint it without it! Not knocking it, I'm an engineer so I well know how sounds and vibrations travel! Thanks for the tip! Oh ok, thank you. UPDATE: I swapped in...
  4. D

    weird idle sound...vid inside...normal?

    Damn yeah that's what I was afraid of. Sweet thanks for all your help, I'm ordering one today and will let you know if it cured the noise!
  5. D

    weird idle sound...vid inside...normal?

    Yeah that's the gist of the video. Seems pretty easy. Just hope a breaker bar will work, trucks got 105k miles and I don't know how tight it will be haha.
  6. D

    weird idle sound...vid inside...normal?

    Cool, yeah I'm pretty excited to get rid of this noise. It's not bad from inside, but from the outside it just makes the truck sound like a P.O.S. haha, and it's not, it's a really nice truck. I'm a very visual learner, and this was the best I found but it's the previous generation. Is it...
  7. D

    weird idle sound...vid inside...normal?

    Oh sweet! So any one of these top four listed would do the trick, right...
  8. D

    weird idle sound...vid inside...normal?

    Hmm ok. Yeah, without a stethoscope, it sounds like the noise is coming directly from the tensioner. It is the bearing in the tensioner pulley that goes bad, or the entire tensioner arm? Is it recommended to swap the entire arm or can I do just the pulley? Is there an OEM equivalent that may...
  9. D

    weird idle sound...vid inside...normal?

    Well the good news it that my balancer does not look like the bad one in which the separation occurred in the second post h here. So I guess if mine is bad it isn't THAT bad yet haha.
  10. D

    weird idle sound...vid inside...normal?

    Dang, sounds super common. Also sounds a bit tricky to do...and considering my tool supply isn't too extensive (IE - no balancer puller), sounds like I may have to bring it in. Fortunately I got a third party warranty with it so I'm hoping this will cover it. If not, I got my work cut out for...
  11. D

    weird idle sound...vid inside...normal?

    Hm interesting. I found and talking about the balancer, sounds like it may be that. I'm going to check it out sometime today to see how my balancer looks. How difficult is this to replace...
  12. D

    weird idle sound...vid inside...normal?

    Hm so it doesn't sound serious, and I didn't think it was, but when I hear it it's annoying enough that I want to fix it...if it won't cost much. Anyone have any suggestions on how I can inexpensively fix this?
  13. D

    weird idle sound...vid inside...normal?

    I know it's always tough to diagnose via web, but I got a video and that may help. Got an 04 explorer couple weeks back and when it's cold (maybe warm, too, just didn't notice) it has somewhat of a squeal to it. It's not loud like a "I need a new belt" squeal, it's very subtle. Today I...
  14. D

    External Air Temperature Sensor

    just went to the dealer to grab the part, to make sure I didn't get the wrong one from the internet (even though I've ordered the correct part description, I've been delivered the incorrect part before...sometimes internet parts dealers are very frustrating). Was $57, but I replaced it in about...
  15. D

    External Air Temperature Sensor

    Dang I was hoping no one would see my post pre-final editing haha. Anywho, in the link in my final edit ( the top one sort of looks like that... Ok can't find it on either of the links you posted, what part # would...
  16. D

    External Air Temperature Sensor

    Good write up - thank you! Mine is screwy also - it usually displays "--", but today it actually displayed 140. Since it's early February in Chicago, I realize that was false. I am finding conflicting part numbers though. Where do you guys recommend getting it from? Besides the ford dealer...