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  1. D

    Camping modification 4th Gen

    So, I'm looking at making my 2006, 4Dr, 4x4 for camping. I'm currently out of town, to help take care of my mother, an I've been wanting to convert my Explorer for camping. I flew here to Georgia, from Arizona, so Ruby's back in AZ. Does anyone have the inside dimensions for a 2006, 4 door, 4x4...
  2. D

    Tires for a 2" suspension lift.

    Dude, I freaking love the blackout look!! Thanks for the advise, much appreciated.
  3. D

    Tires for a 2" suspension lift.

    I live in Southern Arizona, and spend most of my days exploring desert roads, if you can call them roads, and driving up in the mountains. I desperately need some extra clearance, so I'm going to be giving "Ruby" a 2" suspension lift this weekend. I have the 16" tires on her now, but I want to...
  4. D

    First time posting, long time reader.

    As the title says, I've been coming here for advise, so I figured it was time to come out of the dark, and into the light. I'm recently divorced, so I've been doing a lot of hiking, camping, fishing, and anything else outdoors. I've seen quite a few videos where folks have converted their...