Ranger lmtd. 3.0 diesel | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Ranger lmtd. 3.0 diesel


Moderator Emeritus
Elite In Memoriam
March 4, 2007
Reaction score
City, State
anaheim hills,california
Year, Model & Trim Level
95 ranger 4x4/ 91 X 4x4
...i ran across this on another board...to bad they don't make them like this for the us market...:D

...here is an exerpt from the brazilian owner about the truck which can be found on youtube :
...Yes, it has 163 hp at 3.800 rpm, stock. This one that you saw in the video has 210 hp with chip work. It cames with 38,7 kgf between 1600-2200 rpm. This engine configuration do not have a torque peak, but a great plateau.
About gas, sorry, but I don't know, because we do not have a gas 3.0 L engine. Here in Brazil, only the 2.3, four cylinders, in gas version. The gas engine has 150 hp at 5.250 rpm and 22,1 kgf at 3.750 rpm. And we don't have 4x4 option in gasoline.


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...thank you to the mods that be...:D...

...i'm not sure i would ever get rid of my ranger but this one could be fun...:D

I need some of those rear doors so I can extend mine :)

...Bumpin to the top...:bounce:

I would kill for one of those.


That would be a great truck to have in the U.S. To our friends at Ford don't feel the same.

...:scratch:..That's an '09...

...actually a 2010, but not widely available until recently.

Wow...awesome video. I wish we had that option around here, I would buy one for sure.

The ranger is the rest of the world's f-150.

I'm sure they are jealous of our big truck options, and their ranger is almost the size of an f-150.... only thing we have to be jealous of is their diesel options.

4-doors and a diesel, I'm sorry what are my choices again?

...tractor like 280 lb·ft torque and a manual, no automatik, no Bells and Whistles dude, ok, there is leather and a 3.0 L factory-built option that runs on natural gas.

...That's what we like...:biggthump

..Perfect for beating on...:D

I've never seen a 4 door Ranger on the road here in the States.
