2000 ford explorer sport | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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2000 ford explorer sport

  1. A

    Dead OBD-II port, 2k Explorer Sport 4.0

    Hello to all & thanks for having me. I'm trying to diagnose and repair an issue I'm having where my Explorer won't restart for a while after it warms up & there is a rotten egg odor when it does. I cannot use an OBD-II scanner because there's no power going to the datalink port. Any suggestions?
  2. E

    What Radio system do I have?

    I have this radio system but I don't know if this is the MACH audio system or the Premium one.. Help?
  3. L

    Hello everyone!

    Hey everybody! I've been seeing this site for a while now when I Google things for my 2000 Ford Explorer Sport, and so I decided to join and see if you all can help me! I'm still a little lost in trying to navigate the forums so maybe someone could help direct me. First issue I have is I need...