02 XLS Rear Speaker problem | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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02 XLS Rear Speaker problem


January 28, 2008
Reaction score
City, State
Tucson, AZ
Year, Model & Trim Level
02 XLS
I have installed a new Kenwood using the standard harness. Everything works fine except the rear door speakers.

I have bench tested the unit for rear speaker output
I have double checked the harness wiring and made sure that it corresponds to the proper colors on the Ford side.
I have tested the rear speakers and connection in the doors

It looks like someone may have installed an amp or changer at one time because there were three RCA cords lying behind the dash that disappear under the carpet by the console. There is nothing stereo related in the console.

Any suggestions as to where the connections to the rear speakers may be getting lost?

Thank You

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Oye, Elgato... I had a Kenwood, this is what happened to mine. When the amps were hooked up, I lost control of the fade button. So, all 4 speakers behave like one unit. How's your set up? Straight stereo to door speakers?

It is straight Kenwood harness to Ford connector. No amp. I am pretty sure that the 02 XLS did not have an amp or sub.

The three RCA cables ran from behind the radio into the carpet on the passenger side of the console. I have not found the other end.

If someone had installed an amp, is there an obvious location where it would have been mounted and posibly intercepted the rear speaker cabling?


My amps are in the storage unit just behind the back seats... There's a cable that runs from there along the floor/door trim to the back of the stereo... There might be an easier answer, but you can go under the seats and check around for any cables or drilled holes that might be covered by the carpet... this is a little hassle, but you might want to pull out the glove box and that panel under the steering wheel to look for any cables there also... mine runs under that panel near the fuse box.... when you took off the door panels (all 4), was everything in place?

word up ....

:Dsimplest way to see if youre fantastic ford has a factory amp is not to search aimlessly for cables to to simply pull the head unit out an lookat the ford facory wires if you have a solid blue wire thats youre amp lead wire an if ya got power antena make sure theres a solid blue with white trace in there thats the antena lead have seen this on pretty much every friggn ford ive installed on hope it helps ....

That's if it has a factory amp...

If I took the cables loose from my stereo and the amps, you would never know why the rear speakers didn't work because you can't find the cable. So, if there's a factory amp, okay, if there isn't, search until you find the cable.
