04 Explorer Engine Whine.. Video Inside | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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04 Explorer Engine Whine.. Video Inside


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January 22, 2012
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2004 Ford Explorer XLT
Hey everyone, I'm new here. Someone on the SVTP forum told me about this site. Hopefully you can help. I'll keep it simple.

2004 Explorer XLT 4.0 with 155K

Whine started 2 weeks ago, I pulled the belt off, started it and the noise is still present. Its loudest in the morning from a cold start and quiets down after it warms up. It's definitely not any pullies.Thanks in advance for any help. Below is my YouTube link where you can hear at its loudest from a cold start.



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Sounds like transmission pump to me. Ford had a tsb on the 2002 Explorers for this noise and they had you replace the transmission filter. It would go away after about 2-3 minutes of operation.

So what do you think it would cost at a ford dealer if you are right ?

I was totally going to say power steering pump before I reread that you pulled the belt. Had me scratching my head until swetrid said transmission pump. Makes perfect sense. No idea what is going on there to make that noise do you? Plugged filter maybe?

Did you confirm this is the transmission pump? or maybe engine oil pump? I too have this same noise (4.0 SOHC) on a 2000 X.

I also pulled the serp. belt and the noise is the same. I took a mechanic stethoscope and found it was the loudest from the engine oil pan area, but I didn't try the transmission.
I have all the parts sitting here to replace the oil pump, as soon as I get time I will replace it, and see if that changes anything.

I can change the trans filters, but is there any way to trouble shoot and determine its the trans pump?


I replaced the Oil pump, main & rod bearings and the noise was still present.

I then removed the balance shaft and the noise was gone, but now I have vibrations

I found they sell bearings for the actual rotating shaft for the b.s. but nobody sells or makes the front bushing bearing for the sprocket shaft. The bearings for shaft are only available in std size, so you cannot turn the shaft(s) down.

If you have a bad balance shaft, you have two choices; remove it and deal with the vibrations, or replace it with a new one. (I tried Ebay; I bought two that stated they were in excellent condition, but both were in worse condition than mine)
